Who doesn't love the incredible savings available on Black Friday? Unfortunately, the crowds can make what would otherwise be a pleasant experience, miserable. Don't fight off a suburban mother of four who's desperate to grab the last blender only to find out that the same blender is cheaper at a different store. Although I can't promise you won't have to face crowds, you won't do it in vain this year, because I'm about to teach you how to maximize savings.

Black Friday; top places to shop by category

Apparel and Accessories: Shopko. While Shopko has an average of a 55.90 percent discount as of 2017, their average discount on apparel and accessories is an impressive 62.78 percent.

Computers and phones: Stage. Their average discount overall as of 2017 is 60.80 percent, but their discount on computers and phones is 64.38 percent.

Consumer electronics: Once again, Stage takes the cake. Their general discount on consumer electronics is 58.40 percent.

Consumer packaged goods: JCPenney. Their average discount in 2017 is actually 66.30 percent, but their discount on consumer packaged goods is a still nice 61.16 percent.

Toys: Stage, again. Who doesn't love toys? Head on over to Stage if you have kids because their average discount on toys is 60.74 percent.

Appliances: Back to Shopko we go! Their discount on appliances is 50.77 percent. Hopefully, you won't be fighting off that suburban mom for them, but if you do, it'll be worth it.

Furniture: Fred Meyer wins this category with an average discount of 64.32 percent on furniture. Their average overall discount in 2017 is 43.90 percent.

Jewelry: Hold onto your hats, because Kohl's will blow you away in this category. While their average overall discount is 66.30%, their average discount on jewelry is a whopping 77.39 percent.

Books, movie, and music

Books, movies, and music: A surprise contender enters -- Wal-Mart actually wins this category.

While their average overall discount is only 34.20 percent, their discount on books, movies, and music is 69.86 percent.

Video games (software only): Once again, Wal-Mart is the top store in this category. Their discount on video game software is 48.75 percent.

General/not-specified categories: For all other categories not mentioned above, Kohl's is the top seller for these on Black Friday. Their average discount is 68.35 percent.

Now that you know where to go for the best deals, pick the categories you need most and go nuts! Black Friday shopping can be a breeze, now that you're knowledgeable on the subject. All you have to do is relax and let the savings roll in. Good luck, shopper!