You just came from work after a tiresome day, and you are feeling stressed. Relax, you aren’t alone. According to a 2013 survey, eight of every ten employed Americans are stressed by their jobs. Other leading causes of Stress in Americas are terroristic threats, unemployment rate and changing morals. Stress can seriously affect your health negatively. People who experienced stress on a daily basis have a higher chance of facing chronic health problems, and it also lowers libido, increases hair loss and reduces immunity.

Moreover, stress can lead to obesity, anxiety, depression, heart disease and high Blood Pressure. Here are a few ways to reduce stress.


Meditating for just a few minutes on a daily basis helps reduce anxiety. According to research, daily meditation affects the brains neural pathway, and help you develop resilience against stress as stated by Robbie Maller Hartman, who is a health and wellness coach. The process is simple. Sit up with your feet on the floor and close your eyes then recite attentively, either silently or loudly, a positive mantra like “I love myself” or “my life is good.” Put one of your hands on your belly to sync the mantra as you breathe.

Don’t let any distractions affect you, just allow them to float by like clouds.

Eat a dark chocolate, omega 3 fatty acids or citrus fruits

Chocolates reduce stress by lowering stress hormones level in your body, blood pressure, and cholesterol, thus boosting your mood. Try to consume a maximum of 1 to 2 ounces of chocolate containing at 65 percent cacao on a daily basis. Foods like avocados and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines are rich in omega-3s, and they help lower anxiety, stress, and depression. If you are not a fan of fish, you can go for chia seeds, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. Vitamin C which is found in oranges, grapefruits, and oranges can help to reduce stress. Adult men are supposed to consume 90mg of vitamin c daily while women should consume 75mg daily.

Other sources of Vitamin C include kiwifruit, baked potatoes, tomatoes, red and green peppers and broccoli.


Exercise assists to release endorphins into the brain after you get your blood moving, thus improving your mood. It also prevents obesity and other health issues and you are left with nothing to stress about. Working out works just like meditation, and you can do Tai Chi, yoga, walk around the office, do your house chores or stand up and stretch during a break. You don’t have to lift weight in a gym to exercise.

Listen to your favorite music

If you are in a stressful situation, take a break and turn on the music. Playing calm music relaxes your mind, impacts your brain and body positively, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces cortisol, the hormone that is linked to stress.

You can also play the music on your phone.

Sleep, breathing deeply, talking to your close friends and relatives, spending less time on social media, aromatherapy and organizing your life are other factors that help reduce stress. Try to divert your attention from things that make you worried and thinking much. Concentrate on something that takes your attention and affects you positively.