Bungie just rolled out a blog post dubbed “Destiny 2021 Update: The Road to The Witch Queen,” where they revealed the said game segment’s launch would be pushed back ‘til next year. At the tail end of it, the developer treated its community to a preview of the upcoming armor sets that they can expect on that season. There are eagle-eyed players, however, who may have figured out what those gears are.

'Nova Gear'

Reddit user Benji_The_One was among the first to notice it, claiming that the yet-to-be-released armor pieces are likely to be named “Nova Gear.” This after the OP provided a couple of screenshots showing proof that the items were monikered as such. It was mentioned that this could either be Bungie putting a codename to these armor sets, or this is how they’ll be called by the time they are introduced in “Destiny 2.”

Other members of the Raid Secrets subreddit were also quick to notice the symbols on the armor pieces. One mentioned that the symbols suggest the alchemy signs during the middle ages, to which they actually are.

In line with this, another “Destiny 2” player - u/OryxTheBurning, researched it and made a lengthy post explaining those symbols.

Sunsetting just got sunset

Another huge announcement is that Bungie has put a sunset to sunsetting in “Destiny 2.” The community dreaded the implementation of the said feature. After a few months of being in the game and probably noticing how unpopular it is among almost the entirety of “D2” players, they’ve finally scrapped the idea. Hold on to that sigh of relief, though, as some players speculate that “stuff is gonna get nerfed” now that sunsetting is no longer a thing in the game.


Three-peeking was also mentioned in the blog post. It was noted that it would be addressed in both of Season 15’s Trials and Competitive.

Bungie revealed that emotes while playing these two modes will be disabled, including pulling out third-person weapons that don’t have ammo.

More to come in Destiny 2’

Also, during the said season, crossplay will be finally introduced in “Destiny 2.” Further, it was explained that both PC and console players would only be matched together in Crucible provided that the former invites the latter to play with them. The blog post also revealed that in Season 15, players would be treated to Stasis legendary energy and power weapons.

A lot of stuff is also bound to happen in “Destiny 2’s” Season 14:

  • Vault of Glass – the devs are even planning to add a Master version of it before the year ends
  • Transmog with Ada-1 as the vendor
  • Gilded titles will display the number of instances it got Gilded
  • Bungie also hinting at Ikora that Guardians will “see her” on that season

A lot has been unveiled in this “Destiny 2” blog post, and the community is undoubtedly hyped about what’s to come in the looter shooter. Hoping there are no roadblocks ahead when these are about to be released.