“Destiny 2” Game Director Luke Smith published a few weeks ago, what he calls a retrospective on the last six months of the online-only shooter where he also revealed some of the stuff that will drop in the game come this fall. He’s back at it again as he just posted a new blog that details the game’s future seasons. Bungie, on the other hand, rolled out a new TWAB blog post and addressed other concerns that were brought to light by their community which include the Mountaintop questline and the Wendigo GL3.
Wendigo and The Mountaintop tweaks
Community Manager Dmg has yet again provided another sneak peek on what Guardians will be getting in “Destiny 2’s” update. As mentioned, he revealed the upcoming questline changes for both Wendigo GL3 and The Mountaintop Pinnacle grenade launchers:
- Points earned in Competitive will be further increased relative to other PvP modes (roughly 1x for Quickplay, 2x for Iron Banner, and 3x for Comp.
- The number of multikills needed has been reduced to 75 from 200
- The required number of medals has been reduced to 25 from 100
Wendigo GL3
- Grenade launcher multikills will now reward players with 50 percent more progress
- Grenade launcher eliminations are worth 100 percent more for each objective
- Completing Playlist strikes grant players with a significant amount of progress towards the final objective
- Death Penalty no longer exists for the final objective
Players who went through the original grind in getting the Mountaintop were quite irked about the upcoming changes.
Others even asked for some sort of compensation (like an ornament or to that effect) for the “soul-crushing long grind.”
No nerfs
Dmg explained, however, that their goal for the change is to make the above-mentioned weapons reachable. Dmg went on to state that not everyone is good at PvP or grenade launchers, adding that it will still serve as a challenge for them. In line with this, he assured the “D2” player base that both Wendigo and Mountaintop will not get nerfed in “Shadowkeep.”
Going back to Smith’s blog post, it looks like “Destiny 2” will be rolling out a 'Fortnite-ish' seasonal pass in year three for it to be within reach by their players. According to the game director, “Destiny 2’s” third year will have “four fully supported seasons of content.” Unlike “D2’s” “Forsaken” Annual Pass, players need not pay upfront for a year’s worth of content.
Instead, they can opt to get a specific season in Y3 as they can now be purchased separately. Smith added that once a season ends (i.e. Season of the Undying), the portal leading to the Black Garden will close, the world state will change, and the activities in relation to that season will also be taken away.