One of the things that fans love about “Pokemon GO” are events, most especially the ones celebrated in real-time. Although the Fest in Chicago’s Grant Park was quite a mess, it still ended with a bang. This was due to the release of the much anticipated Legendary beasts.

Now, Niantic is set to release yet another “Pokemon GO” real-time event. This time around though, it is the fans from Europe who will soon enjoy it.

Here is everything about these upcoming European events in a nutshell.

Event coming in Europe

According to GameSpot, countries from Europe will soon experience a set of real-time events courtesy of Niantic. These are the Safari Zone live events, all of which are scheduled to begin really soon. The studio recently released more details about these celebrations. They also unveiled the kinds of pocket monsters fans will be encountering in the continent. All of these were announced on the game’s official site.

Starting September 16, all of the Unibail-Rodamco Shopping Centers in Oberhausen (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), and Paris (France) will host the region’s first ever Safari Zone real-time events.

Fans who will make a stop will be able to obtain an in-game medal. They can also find various special Eggs, which will be installed on multiple PokeStops. The latter, by the way, will be located in said shopping centers.

More Pokemon to capture

It is worth noting that Niantic previously postponed these events. They needed to do so after the fiasco in Chicago called “Pokemon GO Fest,” though an event in Japan existed weeks after. The studio promised to bring more exciting stuff and that they will resolve the issues players faced in Grant Park. First of all, players will be encountering tons of rare Pokemon such as Chansey, Kangaskhan, Larvitar, a special Magikarp, and a Shiny Pikachu, among others.

Apparently though, both Gym and Raid Battles will not be available in the forthcoming Safari Zone live events. This is to basically “optimize the experience for all Trainers attending” the events.

For fans to participate, they will have to reserve a free ticket and, more importantly, they must be at least 13 years old. They must also provide a valid photo I.D. Niantic revealed that more information about these events will soon be posted on the official Facebook page of the local Unibail-Rodamco shopping centers. Fortunately for those who will not be able to attend, the company has prepared something interesting for them. Basically, some of the rare Pokemon will be made available throughout the aforementioned locations. However, these Pokemon will only appear on areas in which the malls are erected.