Blizzard’s popular game “Overwatch” is still gaining a lot of players even after a year of launching. The online game is constantly getting new maps, new game modes, and new characters to play with which persuade more and more gamers to give the game a try.
Free to play weekend
Luckily, for gamers who want to get a feel of the game without purchasing the game itself, Blizzard is making “Overwatch” free to play for another weekend.
People who want to try it just need a PlayStation 4, PC or Xbox One, plus PlayStation Plus, or an Xbox Live Gold account, and hours to kill.
There are no restrictions with the free to play weekend. A player can get access to the game’s Quick Play, Arcade, and Training which includes all the game modes and heroes. Maps such as the Escort, Assault, Assault/Escort Hybrid, and Control are available for Free To Play users. The only thing that is not accessible to free to play players is the game’s Competitive Play to stop the cheaters from abusing the game. If a player chooses to buy a game, all the progress made will be saved.
According to the Blizzard website, the free to play weekend starts at 2:00 PM EDT on September 22 until September 26, 2:59 AM ET. It will be available for all series for the gaming console. However, for PC users, the game will only be available for Americas, Asia, and Europe. Users from South Korea will not be able to access the play for free.
Making the players more excited
One of the key factors as to why gamers enjoy playing “Overwatch” is their diverse selection of playable characters, also known as “heroes.” The game also updates and adds new characters from time to time. The most recent additions to the game is the much-awaited Team Deathmatch and the character Doomfist.
It is no secret that a new character will be added to the game since Blizzard released news about a possible new character.
Their latest animated short film teased their new Hero. According to the game director Jeff Kaplan himself, as reported by IGN, the next hero will be very playable and very fun but will not be coming as soon as everyone thinks. This character is also referred to as the “Hero 26.”
With BlizzCon coming this November, fans of the game are speculating that the new hero or more details about it will be revealed at the event itself. Since “Overwatch” will be taking the event’s center stage, the exciting revelation might reveal a big improvement about the game.