While most "Destiny 2" players are waiting for "Curse of Osiris" DLC to be released, some of them have found interesting ways to keep themselves busy. This includes the group two-player group that beat Emperor Calus in only one phase!
After the game developer, Bungie, announced that the Prestige raid would be launching on October 10, fans could not wait for the raid. Although the Prestige gear clarified that there would be no power boost, a lot of fans of the game still could not wait for the ultra-hard version of the game. For a player to participate in the raid, Prestige requires you to have a Power level of 300.
This requirement is not a problem for other players, especially since Prestige requires great teamwork and strategizing.
Beating Calus with just two members
After completing all of the challenges in “Destiny 2” Leviathan Raid, you will face the big and goopy purple ramp that will lead you to Emperor Calus’ throne room. Here, you and your fire team needs to face and beat Calus. Although beating him sounds grand already, it will take great strategizing, time, and teamwork to beat Emperor Calus.
A gamer and Youtuber named The Legend Himself managed to beat Calus with just two members. It took him 40 hours of attempts to finally beat the powerful emperor.
Tips and tricks
How was the team able to beat Calus in one phase you might be asking?
In short, by using the correct weapons. The Shadow Realm player used a perfectly timed Rally Barricade and used the auto rifle Force of Will to get rid of all the 123 skulls. The Throne Room player tried meleeing the Psions to make sure that every damage plate had a Power Ammo brick on it.
The team also used a Rally Barricade and a Curtain Call rocket launcher.
They used the Rally Barricade to fire at least 6 shots from the rocket launcher before using the Wardcliff Coil. Facing Emperor Calus requires you to use a whole range of weapons that can beat him and his allies. Make sure to bring the following weapons:
- Kinetic weapon - You will be doing a lot of shooting at this stage. Bring a fast firing, reliable, and with high damage rifles such as the Scathelock or Ghost Primus.
- Power weapon - You cannot easily go face-to-face with the Emperor. Bring anything that can give high damages from a distance. Merciless is a great weapon to use on the two front plates closest to Calus while Sins of the Past has automatic reloading and cluster bombs.
- Armor - Using Celestial Nighthawk can guarantee extreme boss damage while Helm of Tempest can increase your Arc ability.
Although The Legend Himself was able to beat Calus with his incredible ability, it still takes a lot of time to beat the emperor with a two-man Calus.Check out the video below for more details on their amazing feat!