While “Overwatch” players are currently enjoying the latest update that features Doomfist, news has revealed even more content on the way. It looks like Blizzard Entertainment will bring back Lucioball next week. The new seasonal event for the team-based shooter is expected to start on August 8, 2017. The mini-game in itself is nothing really new since it was also featured last year.

However, Summer Games 2017 will showcase a competitive mode, which includes placement matches, leaderboards, and most of the elements also featured by its Competitive play.

Ranking for other 'Overwatch' game modes

The Summer Games 2017 event seems to have spawned some speculations about the other game modes. According to the rumors, other game modes will supposedly also receive a competitive option just like Lucioball. While most players regularly play the game un-ranked, there are others who wish to test their abilities with other hardcore players and prefer to play on Competitive.

Gameplay changes for this year

Blizzard Entertainment has always made it known that they treat feedback seriously. They have most likely collected several opinions from players regarding their past events. Last year, players could use Lucio’s Ultimate skill to pull the ball towards them. Now, upon activation, gamers receive a significant speed boost and a better jump. Game director Jeff Kaplan teasingly says that players transform into “Super Lucio” when it is activated. Furthermore, users can no longer use boop other players within the goal perimeter. Kaplan believes that these two minor changes will prevent “cheesy strategies” used before.

New stuff

As expected, the seasonal event will provide players with new unlockable content.

New skins and sprays are up for grabs when the patch goes live next week. As an added surprise, Blizzard Entertainment will allow fans to purchase last year’s skins for a cheaper price. For example, those premium skins used to cost 3,000 credits, but players can purchase them for only 1,000 credits. Overall, it seems like a great bargain in order to customize your favorite hero. Finally, this year’s event will also come with a new stadium set in Sydney, Australia.

PTR patch version 1.14

Aside from the upcoming Summer Games 2017, “Overwatch” players can also look forward to some new character buffs. PTR (Public Test Region) participants can expect to try out some changes for Roadhog and Junkrat.

The two are reportedly due for some balance tweaks that should enhance their gameplay. Roadhog users were very disappointed about his most recent changes. Therefore, the new update will allow the hero to take 50 percent less damage during his Take A Breather skill activation. Players can also move around while it is in use and should make him more survivable than before. Junkrat users, on the other hand, could see a more improved RIP-Tire soon as well.