One of the most interesting things about “Pokemon GO” is the ability to choose a team. These are namely, Team Valor, Team Instinct, and Team Mystic. Although these do not affect the players’ success in the game, there is pride when they belong to one.

Also, being part of a team in “Pokemon GO” acts like a driving force for players to persevere in gym battles and capturing pocket monsters.

They believe that by doing so, they can influence anyone which team to join. Unfortunately, switching teams is not allowed without any explanation from Niantic.

How this feature works

Basically, when players reach level 5, they can participate in gym battles. But before they can do so, they will be asked first which team to join. Only after they choose one will they be allowed to progress. Each team in the mobile game is represented by a Legendary bird, team leader, and color scheme. These are the definite factors of the teams in the game, allowing them to be distinguishable.

Interestingly, this team dynamic in “Pokemon GO” gave birth to a serious competition between players.

They all want to control as many gyms as possible and thus they opt to capture the best pocket monsters out there. The competition has even gone to social media sites, with players creating groups and/or pages strictly for the members. Fortunately for Niantic, this dynamism catapulted the game’s popularity further.

Why is switching not allowed

Unfortunately for “Pokemon GO” players, their decision to join a team is final and irrevocable. They cannot withdraw it and change it to another team. This is definitely a bummer especially to those who want to team up with their friends.

Although players have been bugging Niantic about it, the studio did not provide any reason as to why such system does not exist.

In fact, the community has previously asked the studio to at least develop a feature that allows one to change teams in the long run. But alas, the developers did not vouch.

It is definitely a bummer, as there is no reason for the “Pokemon GO” developers not to develop such system. At least, they can allow the switching of teams once in order to prevent exploits, as players might use this option to switch teams over and over again. Also, it could be that Niantic is preparing something huge for the team system and perhaps they simply want to keep it at bay. With the impending release of the Legendary creatures, players will finally know the answer.