The release date of Doomfist in the online first-person shooter video game, “Overwatch,” has been slated for July 27. The powerful frontline fighter will be launched simultaneously on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Blizzard Entertainment made it known that the studio will roll out a new developer update with some of the background about the video game’s new hero. However, The Verge reported that the video game company previously released Doomfist in the game’s public test realm (PTR) server, ensuring the new character’s abilities are well balanced.

The arrival of Doomfist on July 27 marks the official release of the hero’s final version. Console players will at alst have their first chance to get to play as the new character.

Doomfist’s destructive power

Alongside the release of Doomfist in “Overwatch,” the game company shared a new video showcasing the destructive power of the new hero. The YouTube video also indicated the character’s development as well as his melee-style abilities.

Meanwhile, the studio recently rolled out a wave of the character’s skins to the game’s PTR. Nonetheless, according to Express, dataminers found out that additional Doomfist skins are coming. Also, Blizzard will launch 4 Cosmetic Items to the powerful frontline fighter during the Summer Games event.

‘Overwatch’ 2.15 update

The video game company recently launched the video game’s 2.15 update on Xbox One and PS4. VG 24/7 reported that the new “Overwatch” update comes along with general bug fixes as well as hero bug fixes. The general bug fixes address the audio system of the game, particularly for several gamers whose audios were cut off during matches.

Also, the Horizon Lunar Colony menu screen’s vacuum of space sound effects was fixed.

The hero bug fixes dealt with Pharah's voice line. The update also fixed Orisa's ultimate that will charge while the character’s Supercharger is deployed. However, the “Overwatch” 2.15 update hasn't been able to address the Earthshatter bug that makes gamers fail to hit targets while playing as Reinhardt.

But, game director Jeff Kaplan stated that a fix for the bug will be available soon.

Meanwhile, Blizzard Entertainment is also working on the game’s punishment system. Several players in multiplayer conquests have encountered co-players who are disrespectful towards other gamers. The updated punishment system was revealed in the Blizzard forums.