Blizzard announced today that the “Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition” will be officially available starting July 28. The game will be physically available after it was digitally released last May 2017. The retail launch will include numerous freebies aside from the base game.

Latest edition

There are over 30 million gamers all over the world playing as Mercy, Sombra, Genji, or Roadhog in Blizzard’s most popular first-person shooter game.

Beginning next week, just right after the official release of Doomfist on the game’s live server, players can purchase get their copies of the game is different retail stores. The “Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition” apart from the complete list of heroes features, and maps will give players numerous freebies.

Extra goodies

Among the freebies that players will get upon purchasing the game’s GOTY edition includes 10 loot boxes and several skins from Origins. Each Loot Box has random items that players could use to customize the physical appearance of their in-game characters. The Loot Box could contain victory poses, emotes, voice lines, sprays, highlight intros, and skins.

For the Origins skins, players can dress their characters in the vintage suits like Strike-Commander Morrison, Security Chief Pharah, Blackwatch Reyes, and Slipstream Tracer.

Apart from those, there are other freebies for several Blizzard games. “Diablo 3” players will get Mercy wings upon purchase of the GOTY Edition. “World of Warcraft” players will get the adorable and intelligent Baby Winston pet freebie that can aid players in their battles.

On the other hand, there are also in-game portraits for “StarCraft 2” fans. They will get portraits of heroes like Soldier 76, Pharah, Winston, Bastion, Reaper, and Tracer. Moreover, “Hearthstone” players get a card back with “Overwatch” theme. For “Heroes of the Storm” fans, they will get a Tracer Hero upon purchase of the physical copy of the GOTY issue.

The GOTY version is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms. Last May 2017, the digital edition is sold for $60. However, Blizzard has not yet revealed the price for the retail version.

Doomfist’s arrival

A day before the retail version of “Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition,” Doomfist will be available on the game's live servers. The most hyped hero’s arrival is highly anticipated because of his impressive set of abilities such as Seismic Slam, and Rocket Punch to name a few. The Talon-linked hero is currently on the game’s PTR and has recently received several improvements and fine tuning.