Pokemon GO” quickly captured the hearts of players worldwide following its official release last year. Most of these players, obviously, are kids and/or millennials, all trying to find and capture their favorite pocket monsters. Nevertheless, it has become apparent that a good chunk of the player base is not entirely on the young side.

According to CNET, there are actually seniors who play “Pokemon GO,” a truth that is quite hard to believe.

Well, this should not really be a surprise, considering the fact that there are 65 million of players worldwide. Here is everything about it in a nutshell.

Introducing senior trainers in the game

Believe it or not, most of these old folks playing the game are over 60 years old. There is a 65-year old woman named Amy Ke, who is actually a colon-cancer survivor. Ke admitted that the mobile game has become her pastime since August of last year. As a matter of fact, she is no rookie at the game because she already reached beyond level 40, a level that players find the most difficult to reach. Add to this the fact that she was able to obtain almost all of the gold badges in the game, and for her to complete the game, she just needs to acquire the 18 more Unknowns.

Ke reportedly wakes up at 5 AM in the morning just to play “Pokemon GO.” She always resorts to walking when trying to find a pocket monster in the wild, though she might also ride a bus just to reach a certain PokeStop. She also admitted using a third-party tracker developed by a Singapore-based studio. Believe it or not, she already spent at least $500 on the game, but she does not regret it.

Why seniors play the game

There is actually a plausible reason why people like Ke decided to play “Pokemon GO” despite their age. Basically, the mobile game from Niantic had been proven to provide numerous health benefits such as reducing cholesterol levels. This is due to the fact that the game does not promote sedentary activity, something that is common in other titles in the industry right now.

The game instead forces players to go outside and locate the Pokemon of their choice. This readily becomes a form of exercise that makes them healthy.

As for players around the same age as Ke, playing “Pokemon GO” is definitely beneficial. Not only do they get to enjoy the game, they also acquire health benefits. They do not even have to spend a tremendous amount of time on rigorous activities and they have a lot of fun at the same time.