The July update of “Battlefield 1” will bring fixes, RSP adjustments as well as the Prise de Tahure map in the first-person shooter title. The upcoming patch is waiting for the pending certification from Sony and Microsoft. Upon approval, it will roll out on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.
Latest update
In a recent livestream conducted by DICE last July 17, the game developer revealed more details about “Battlefield 1’s” upcoming patch. This includes the second night-only map, dubbed as Prise de Tahure. There are also several updates to the game’s maps, netcode, modes, and Rental Server Program (RSP).
Prise de Tahure
Like its sister map, Nivelle Nights, the upcoming Prise de Tahure will allow players to play through the night. However, unlike the previous night map, players will be engaged in a more close-quarters environment. The map has several resemblances to the Amiens. Most of the engagements in this map will utilize mid-range sight lines and will happen in the streets. There are also long-range angles for snipping but these are dispersed all over the place. For players who are into close encounter styles, there are buildings and tight alleyways in the map they can work with.
The Preise de Tahure will be available to Premium Pass holders. Players who have also purchased the They Shall Not Pass DLC as a standalone can also enjoy this map.
Those who have not availed of the Premium pass or the standalone DLC can still try the map through Premium Friends. The only drawback is that the player will not earn any experience or spawn with any of the expansion’s vehicles or maps.
Premium Friends will only be available until the Gamescon 2017. There is also the Premium Trials that DICE would like to introduce after the Preise de Tahure is released.
However, this latest feature will only last for a limited time of seven days after the patch launches.
July update
The game developer will roll out several changes when the July update releases. Among them includes the adjustments in the way the game voting process works. The updated map voting system will increase the variety of maps being played in the game.
The game’s netcode will also receive changes with the July patch. Players will no longer have the feeling of being shot through the wall.
DICE is also introducing latency soft-lock on the game’s rental service program. With the changes, players whose ping climbs up more than 100ms will be automatically kicked from the game. Apart from that, if too many players are leaving the pre-round lobby, the countdown timer of the next match will stop. Rental Servers will also get a new modifier, which is unlimited magazines.
The July update of “Battlefield 1” will be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.