Innumerable features will be rolled out into “Rainbow Six Siege” soon. With the re-opening of Technical Test Servers, several features will be tested and among them are the Alpha Packs. Interestingly, the new loot system of Ubisoft in the game is somewhat similar to that of “Overwatch.” This was first discovered in the dev diary in February by Redditor turntrout101. Here are the things you need to know about the game’s latest Alpha packs.

Alpha packs

The new loot box system in “Rainbow Six Siege” can be earned by participating in game matches. It can also be purchased for 500 Renown, which comes with discounts on a large number of purchases.

Renown is a free in-game currency that can be earned in almost all game activities. The rate of gains can be increased by purchasing boosters using R6 credits. Currently, several players have discovered that these packs contain new skins for weapons ranging from common to legendary.


Among the skins discovered includes Morbier, Safety Yellow, and Conduit. There are also new skins for MP5, Rheinland, Plasma Pink, and Black Ice. There are also headgears, and charms. While these are already found, some of them are just placeholders and might have changed upon release.

As mentioned earlier, the latest packs of “Rainbow Six Siege” can be acquired by participating in matches. The probability of getting it increases whenever a player finishes a match.

If you happen to win the match, the dice for a drop will be rolled. Apparently, if you roll for a drop and lose, your chances will be carried forward.

Operation health

Meanwhile, update 2.2.1 known as Operation Health is currently in the development stage and will soon roll out in the game. The patch promised to overhaul “Rainbow Six Siege” including improvements in the Operators.

It also intends to bring massive changes in the player hitboxes. Previously, anything within the hitbox if bumped by a bullet affects the player’s health. With the upcoming update, Ubisoft has made several changes to avoid future problems that might surface.

It appears that the game developer is working hard on bringing more improvements in the game as well as keeping its fan base engaged.

The upcoming Alpha packs and Operation Health are just a few of the many future changes that will soon roll out in “Rainbow Six Siege.” We will keep you updated with more about your favorite game as soon as information becomes available.