Battlefield 1” continues to be one of the most interesting shooter-themed titles of recent memory. Its popularity even soared high when the upcoming DLC “In the Name of the Tsar” was announced. Now, developer DICE has some compelling news for the community.

In the official Reddit page of “Battlefield 1,” the studio announced that there is now a new way to earn Battlepacks in-game.

As a matter of fact, it is slated to begin today, June 29 (though no specific time yet). Here is everything about it in a nutshell.

A new way to acquire Battlepacks

Previously, one of the most common ways to obtain Battlepacks was through completion of multiplayer matches. However, players must wear luck in order to be rewarded with one at the End of Round screen. This was absolutely not a fair way of earning items in one way or another. Fortunately, the developers of the title will be replacing this system “with an improved way of granting Battlepacks.”

Normally, to earn various cosmetics in “Battlefield 1,” players would have to be the chosen at a conclusion of a match.

However, starting today, they will now have a guaranteed way of earning weapon puzzle pieces, weapon skins and Squad XP boosts, among others. DICE also iterated that in-game, players will notice a new progress bar at the End of Round screen. This basically shows the progress a player has made toward his next Standard Battlepack reward. “

How to fill up the new progress bar

Filling up the aforementioned progress bar in “Battlefield 1” is actually easy. Players just need to play and finish multiplayer matches in the game, as these automatically fill up the meter. “Play well, and you’ll reach your next Battlepack faster,” DICE announced. In its most organic form, the progress towards the next Battlepack in the game is relative to the players’ game score in every match.

The enemies they eliminate and/or the support they provide to the rest of the team guarantee progress.

More importantly, though, earning more score for the progress bar in “Battlefield 1” can be done through defending and/or capturing points. So, as much as possible, players must play the match’s objective in the best way they could. The studio revealed that no downtime could be expected today, but for the update to be acquired, players must first restart their client. Otherwise, any development they make will not be counted on the progress bar. It should be noted, though, that the Battlepacks earned through the new system are in no way special.