There's quite a lot to look forward to this week for "For Honor," the hack and slash game from Ubisoft that was released on Valentine's Day. First of all, the studio has finally come up with a one hit kill Bug Fix, which launched yesterday, and promises more new content arriving this June. The studio took to the Ubisoft forums to outline the fix that they've created for the one hit kill bug that has been bothering players of the game.

Those on Xbox One experienced a 10-minute downtime yesterday, while those on PlayStation 4 and PC had to wait for 45 minutes, as there was routine maintenance done as well.

One hit kill bug fix arrives this morning

According to the post on the Ubisoft forums, the release time was at 8:00 AM EDT yesterday, at which "For Honor" users on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC experienced some down time. Along with the bug fix, players will notice that performing a guard break out of lock followed by an out of lock Attack will experience a new attack stance rather than the default out of lock stance. For instance, players who play as the Lawbringer will find that instead of Right Stance, they'll have the Left Stance on both light and heavy attacks.

Meanwhile, the Conqueror will have Top Stance instead of the Right Stance on light attacks. For heavy attacks by the Nobushi, there will be the Left Stance instead of the Right, while Berserkers who execute light and heavy attacks will have the Left instead of the Right Stance. Lastly, the Raider who executes light attacks will have Top instead of Right Stance.

Weekly content to be released beginning June 1, PTS coming soon

Aside from the one hit kill bug fix, Ubisoft will be releasing new weekly content every week beginning Thursday, June 1. Such new content to look forward to include Outfits, Emotes, Executions, and more. Players can also look forward to the Public Test Server, in which select community players will be able to get a taste of the Tournament/Ranked Mode before the studio officially releases it for public consumption.

This will also be followed by a Beta version.

Season 3 to be released in August

"For Honor" gamers recently enjoyed the release of Season 2: "Shadow and Might," which featured a pair of new heroes, the Centurion from the Knights faction, and the Shinobi from the Samurai faction. New content also provided two new maps in the form of the Forge and the Temple Garden, which came free for all players. In August, players can expect Season 3 content to arrive, but for now, Ubisoft hasn't indicated a specific date or details about the upcoming season, but promised that players will be spending more time playing the Tournament/Ranked Mode moving forward. For the latest on "For Honor," make sure to bookmark this page.