If you find that you are tapped out regarding ideas for Mother’s Day this year, there are 3 Meal Hacks you can choose from that are sure to please. If you have given every gift imaginable and need a great idea, you can utilize one or all of these suggestions to give that special someone a really good time on the second Sunday in May.
By being creative and making the occasion a group effort you will be very pleased with the results. Enlisting family, friends, co-workers and or church members will make the holiday day one to remember. You may find it so successful that you decide to do the same thing next year.
Breakfast meal hack
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) April 16, 2018
The first Meal hack is a popular idea that is catching on in many churches. The men prepare a Mother’s Day breakfast for the ladies in the fellowship hall. Simply designate in advance, who will bring what dish or who will do the cooking, serving and cleaning up. All that is left to do is invite all the moms to enjoy what has been prepared. You can also choose a restaurant or another venue and ask everyone to come to eat the first meal of the day. This way you can include family, friends, neighbors and or co-workers if you choose.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) April 16, 2018
Make sure you work out in advance how the food will be paid for, and have all your ducks in a row.
The mothers should have no worries and only focus on enjoying what has been prepared for them on this special day. The second Sunday in May should be made as carefree as possible for those for whom it was designed to celebrate.
Afternoon and evening Mother’s Day meals
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) April 16, 2018
For the second meal hack, you might consider a catering service, for the afternoon and evening.
Select a home, fellowship hall, or larger venue and have the food prepared and brought to you. The third idea for lunch and dinner on the second Sunday in May is an old-fashioned cookout.
This can be done in a park or in someone's backyard. Designate who will bring which food items and the accessories, as well as those who will cook and clean up after.
Your mom or mother figure will be able to enjoy the day with great food and fun without lifting a finger to do anything.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) April 16, 2018
Always have a contingency plan for bad weather regarding outdoor events. Make sure there is a home or other indoor facility where you can take the fun if Mother's Day turns out to be cold or rainy. If you plan just right and everything falls into place you can always see to it that your mom or mother figure enjoys breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the second Sunday in May without having to cook. This would be the best meal hack of all.