5 Celebrity birthdays on December 17

Boxer Manny Pacquiao is among the celebrities born on December 17. [Image via Top Rank Boxing/YouTube screencap]
Boxer Manny Pacquiao is among the celebrities born on December 17. [Image via Top Rank Boxing/YouTube screencap]

These five famous people are all celebrating their birthdays on December 17.

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On December 17, a number of famous individuals were born. They include athletes, singers, and actors. Here are five of the Celebrities who share birthdays today.


Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao, nicknamed "Pacman," gets back in the ring in Las Vegas in January 2019 against Adrien Broner. As of Monday, the boxing champion is 40-years-old.


Peter Farrelly

Along with his brother Bobby, Peter Farrelly is well known for directing some of the funniest comedy films there are. They include the classics "Dumb & Dumber," "Kingpin," and "There's Something About Mary." He's also the man who directed "Green Book." On Monday, he turned 62.


Milla Jovovich

Jovovich is an actress, model, and musician. Among her earliest roles included working with Bruce Willis in "The Fifth Element." She's known for her recurring role in the video game-based "Resident Evil" franchise of films. Her debut album "The Divine Comedy" released in 1994. Today Jovovich is 43.

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