Every day is a holiday, right? It sure seems that way! If you are over 35 years of age, this is all new stuff. However, if you are a tween or younger, everyday holidays are just the norm. Move over Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Halloween, where last year people dressed up as Wonder Woman and Pennywise - now you have to compete with things like National Taco Day, Celebrate Ice Cream Day, when, in 2018, a lot of places gave away free ice cream, and National Donut Day.

Holidays? Really?

Some of the strangest, yet real holidays, for daily celebrations out there, have many folks asking one word - “why?” Nevertheless, here are eight zany, yet very real celebrations that are now “officially” on the yearly calendar.

While there's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating these daily holidays, especially the ones that have free food giveaways, some of these celebrations have many people doing a double-take! As the internet grows, so do these daily holidays and some of them are so popular now, don’t look for the daily celebrations to slow down any time soon.

8. Sidewalk Egg Frying Day: The old expression "it is so hot out you could fry an egg on the sidewalk" now has a holiday. July 4 may be Independence Day here in America, but according to the cute calendar website, it is also National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day. Who is ready to try?

7. Pluto Demoted Day: Is Pluto still a planet? No...and yes. Well if you are still bitter about that one time the International Astronomical Union insisted that Pluto is no longer a planet, then August 24 is your day to show your love for Pluto.

6. National Doughnut Day: Weird? Not really. While this holiday should be celebrated every day, June 7 is the official date to honor the tasty treat.

5. Festivus: For fans of "Seinfeld," this holiday still exists - and it gets stronger each year! December 23 is the magical holiday created by the character George Costanza's father, Frank. Festivus isn’t about joy, it is time to air your problems! Tell your friends how they've disappointed you this year, and don’t hold back!

4. National Cup Cake Day: This one is self-explanatory! Held every August 20, the real question is why isn't this every day?

3. World Naked Bike Ride Day: World Naked Bike Ride Day is very real and for some a very scary thought! Held yearly in cities like Chicago, Portland, and New Orleans, just to name a few, thousands strip down to ride.

2. International Panic Day: Held every June 18, ironically the same day as International Picnic Day, this day was created for everyone to have a 24-hour period in which you are allowed to complain or "wig-out" about anything you feel you need to.

No. 1

National Work Naked Day: How could this not be No. 1? National Work Naked Day was created by Lisa Kanarek, but it may not be for the reasons you think.

According to the official Work Naked website, working naked means different things to different people.

For some, it may mean that they are free or stripped of any support available in a corporate job, including an administrative assistant, technical staff, and co-workers to help brainstorm and deal with issues. In other words, working for yourself without all of the hassles of having to report your every waking moment to someone above you. Kanarek does mention if you want to be in the buff, well, that is your choice! NWND is held every year in early February, so the weather may not be ideal for East Coast and midwest folks!