If you do not know about Galentine's Day, it is about time that you learn about it and perhaps celebrate it this year. First of all, it is not an official holiday. So, there is no need to look on your calendar for it. Galentine's Day is celebrated on February 13 by girlfriends. It comes before Valentine's Day as an alternative for females to enjoy themselves with their female friends.

Origin of Galentine's Day

Millions of women across the country have Amy Poehler's character Leslie Knope on the sitcom "Parks and Recreation" to thank for the term and for time to celebrate before Valentine's Day. What really started as a joke has turned into a fun occasion. In the television series, Leslie stated that it is the best day of the year. It is the day when she and her friends leave their spouses and significant others at home and they go out together to have fun. They celebrate while enjoying a brunch with lots of alcohol.

Galentine's Day is not against Valentine's Day and neither is it in lieu of it.

It is not in competition with February 14. It can be described as a time for female friends to show appreciation for each other and have a good time together.

Activities to do

Some women can celebrate Galentine's Day with their female friends on February 13 and Valentine's Day on February 14 with their lovers. That means some will celebrate twice while others will get to celebrate only one of the days. Some women like to celebrate with only one friend, and others favor group gatherings.

An all-time favorite is a sleepover, but there are other creative things to do. If women do decide to have a slumber party, it doesn't have to be a boring one. The women could combine it with a spa experience that includes manicures, pedicures, massages and lots of wine.

Some best friends share gifts when they get together. Perhaps a good gift could be a friendship bracelet or something a girlfriend has seen the other one admire when they were out shopping together. If the girlfriends live miles apart, they can send Galentine's Day cards to each other.

If the women decide to watch a movie, it is better to watch it at home where they can drink their favorite beverage and laugh as loud as they want to. They will not be able to do that in a movie theater.

Some women enjoy getting together and cooking dinner consisting of their favorite dishes. Afterward, they sit around the table and reminisce about old times and fantasize about crazy things they would like to do in the future. Some women agree with Leslie Knope that Galentine's Day is the best day of the year.