Many people crack their joints. Some people do it because it is satisfying, and others find that it relieves pain. Close to 50% of Americans crack their knuckles on a regular basis. You may have heard people say that Cracking your joints is bad for you. When I hear this, doubt and questions fill my mind. Does joint cracking cause Arthritis? In what way is joint cracking possibly bad? That is why I have a gathered a series of studies and research papers to find out more about joint cracking, and if it's harmful to our long-term health.

Why do your joints crack?

When you crack your knuckles, gas bubbles in the fluid surrounding your joints are released suddenly, creating a satisfying popping sound. Also, bones collapse together in the makeshift vacuum of the joint fluid, creating a loud noise as well.

Is cracking your joints bad?

Many people associate cracking joints with arthritis, but no studies have confirmed this theory. A study published in 2011 examined the joints of hundred of test subjects and compared them to those people who have been cracking their knuckles for many years. In the end, the study concluded that cracking your joints does not affect the bones themselves.

Dr. Donald Unger ran a study on himself for several decades.

He cracked his knuckles in his left hand two times a day for 50 years of his life, and examined them in the end. He found that both hands were arthritis free, and were no different.

According to those two well received articles, arthritis and joint cracking are not related. This does not mean that cracking joints is completely safe.

Many studies and research projects have found that cracking your joints can cause inflammation and weakened joints. This can result in chronic conditions and joint impairment.

Should you crack your joints?

A research article published in 2011 states that cracking joints can have a positive effect on mental health. Bubbles in the liquid surrounding the joints can create a feeling of stiffness, and releasing them creates a satisfying relief.

This is why many people say that they feel more mobile when they crack their joints.

In retrospect, cracking your knuckles chronically may not cause arthritis, but can cause many other issues including joint inflammation and joint weakness. If done in moderation, cracking your joints has a low risk associated with it, and can influence mobility. In the end, if you don't need to, cracking your knuckles is not advised, but will not cause arthritis.