The wonders of modern science never cease. Research continues to indicate that Dark Chocolate is now being considered as a superfood. This sweet treat is said to offer many health benefits including lowering both Blood Pressure and cholesterol. If the saying that we are what we eat is correct, then consuming this antioxidant loaded food should make us very healthy indeed. Most of us grew up being told to eat our vegetables and chocolate was considered as a snack. Modern research, however, suggests that eating this delicious snack on a regular basis may be as healthy for our hearts as broccoli and blueberries.
The benefits of consuming dark chocolate
Keeping in mind, moderation in all things, according to consuming a little dark chocolate on a regular basis is one of the best methods of maintaining heart health. They site Mary Engler, who is a researcher at the University of California who says that eating dark chocolate can lower the bad LDL cholesterol and also raise the good HDL. She also emphasizes the fact that too much can add extra calories to the diet and cause weight gain. This is why it is important to eat moderately.
In a study that was done by the Journal of the American Medical Association, participants who ate as little as 30 calories a day of dark chocolate were able to see their blood pressure drop in only18 days.
The average was a decrease of 2.9 points in systolic and 1.9 points in diastolic readings. The participants ate 6.3 grams daily of the polyphenol-rich sweet treat.
Dark chocolate is no substitute for healthy living
Consuming dark chocolate in addition to a.n overall healthy lifestyle is best. Make sure you don't ditch your broccoli and or blueberries in favor of this product but eat it in conjunction with the veggies that are already a part of your diet.
Dark chocolate should never be seen as a substitute for healthy living, but it can enhance the things you are already doing to maintain blood pressure and cholesterol.
A study was done in 2003 by the University of Copenhagen which indicated that people who ate this rich yet bitter treat lowered their risk of stroke and heart attack.
A study was done in 2003 at the Unversity of California which revealed that people who ate only one bar of dark chocolate a week reaped the benefits for the heart. Keep this in mind so that you do not overindulge. In moderation, this food can protect your heart.