Charlie Gard died on Friday, July 28 just one week from his first birthday. People all over the world were praying for him. The leader of the Catholic church was praying for Charlie. Also, the leader of the United States offered his support. If you are reading this now, you probably prayed for the little boy who was on life support most of his short life. Now, folks want to know why God didn't heal Charlie after so many people prayed for him.

Charlie Gard's journey

Charlie was born a normal healthy baby. When he was only eight weeks old, he was diagnosed with a terminal illness which resulted in him not seeing, hearing, speaking or breathing on his own. Yet, Charlie's legal battle and his medical condition connected people globally. His parents and other people close to the family were heartbroken over the little boy's death.

People can understand the legal position more than they can understand God's position. Concerned people from all denominations and those who believe in different religions are asking similar questions about God not healing Charlie.

As hard as it is to believe, God's plan was fulfilled.

People tweeted and re-tweeted #CharlieGard, yet the little baby died. Prayers and comments were posted on all the social media sites. In other words, there was a prayer chain going on all around the world. People are also wondering why hundreds of thousands of prayers couldn't move the hand of God on behalf of an innocent child. Then they wonder if they prayed in vain.

St. Augustine's explanation

St. Augustine was a Christian theologian and philosopher who lived long ago. He said intercessory prayers are not to change God's mind. Instead, the purpose is to change the person who is praying. Augustine explained that in times of trouble, prayer transforms us into understanding and accepting God's greater good.

St. Thomas Aquinas' view

St. Thomas Aquinas had the same viewpoint as St. Augustine. The theologian and philosopher taught that God doesn't change because of our prayers. The people who pray are the ones who change in the process. Both Augustine and Aquinas believed that we should pray for God's greater good instead of for our selfish desires. No one knows if millions of people were on one accord and were praying for God's greater good.

Death is a mystery

There is always a mystery about death. No one knows exactly why young people die or anyone else dies for that matter. Sometimes people are selfish in their prayers. Instead of praying for God's greater good, they pray to keep sick people here even though they are suffering.

We might never know why God allowed Charlie to die so young. What we do know is that his short life made an impact on those who knew about him. Neither Charlie’s death nor our prayers for his life were in vain.

To bring comfort to those who think God did not heal Charlie, know that God did heal him. However, it was not in the way people expected him to be healed. The baby is no longer on life support. The greater good was for him to be in the arms of God healed, complete and whole.