There is an interesting change in the in-game meta of “Overwatch” lately. Noticeably, there is a substantial increase in the length of playtime of both Junkrat and Roadhog. The change has been observed since Blizzard rolled out buffs to both Australian Junkers. It appears that both heroes are now ruling in the game’s meta.

In addition to the buffs, the Introduction of the Escort Map Junkertown to the game along with the latest Comic "Wasted Land" has contributed to the increase in playtime of these characters. Junkertown is currently in the Public Test Realm of the game.


It appears that both Junkrat and Roadhog have been the recent favorite characters in “Overwatch.” They both excel not only in the length of playtime but also in Win rates. According to the Data-Driven Analysis reported by the popular statistics site Omnic Meta, Junkrat is now the most popular DPS hero, reaching the top spot in every tier. The Australian hero also ranks number one at the Grandmaster.

While the hero has always been a fan-favorite, a significant increase was observed after Blizzard rolled out the recent improvements. This includes buffs to his Concussion Mine and Rip-Tire. The extra Concussion Mine given to Junkrat gives the hero the much-needed knack. On the other hand, the change in his Rip-Tire Ultimate enables the character to land easily before getting killed.

The most recent rise of Junkrat in terms of popularity has affected other DPS heroes. This includes Reaper, Soldier: 76, and Doomfist. Interestingly, Doomfist’s statistics has plummeted down. In general, the Australian hero dominates in both PC and Console of the game’s Competitive Play.


Aside from Junkrat, another Australian hero is back in the game’s meta.

Blizzard recently made several tweaks to Roadhog. This includes adjustments to his survivability. His Take a Breather can now be used even if he is moving. In addition, the damage taken while he is healing is decreased to 50 percent.

While these two are now dominating the game’s Competitive Play, this will soon change. When the game’s current Public Test Realm goes live, the meta will most likely be altered.

Currently, D.Va is being reworked in the PTR. Her Defense Matrix and Micro Missiles are now being improved and adjusted, which could affect her play and ripple effects across the game.

Meanwhile, there is a noreg bug that has been affecting hitscan heroes of “Overwatch” since the game was launched. Fans are hoping that Blizzard will soon roll out a fix to this bug, which most players using Widowmaker and McCree have been experiencing ever since.