Microsoft Azure recently got a big boost when it received full validation for Intel Xeon Scalable platforms. This week, the cloud computing platform will receive another big boost. And this time it came from not just one, but three big tech companies, Lenovo, Dell EMC and Symantec.

According to Channel e2e, Microsoft’s latest addition is expected to bring more computing muscles to the company's cloud service Chinese tech giant Lenovo, and the US hardware giant Dell EMC are the latest companies to join Microsoft’s growing list of tech partnerships and alliances.

More performance coming, courtesy of Lenovo and Dell EMC

As mentioned earlier by Channel e2e, the recent Intel’s full validation has provided the cloud computing service a huge boost, which allows customers to enjoy up to 16 percent more computing performance. Additionally, it could also provide customers up to 14 percent higher VM (virtual machine) capacity compared to the similarly- configured system, which reportedly powered by Intel Xeon E5.

Lenovo is no longer stranger to Microsoft Azure, the two have been in partnership in the past years. The Chinese tech giant was the first OEM (original equipment manufacturer) to demonstrate Azure Stack at last year’s Microsoft Ignite event.

And in June, the Chinese giant made another big move, when it announced ThinkAgile SX for Microsoft Azure. Additionally, the Chinese tech giant was also the first hardware manufacturer to use a production-ready Azure Stack solution this year.

Lenovo made it first big news this year world when it announced plans to offer the first Intel Select Solution. The PC maker plans to implement it in one of the configurations available for the new Lenovo ThinkAgile SX for Microsoft Stack, the website reported.

The Chinese giant claims that the newly announced software-defined rack scale solution will simplify hybrid cloud implementation and speed up the deployment of cloud services. Lenovo plans to release its new offering by next year.

Also, the new Lenovo ThinkAgile SX for Microsoft Azure Stack will also be supported by Lenovo ThinkAgile Advantage, the Chinese company’s support service that offers configuration and training assistance to customers. In the Lenovo ThinkAgile Advantage, customers will be provided with a dedicated support line to ThinkAgile support team throughout the entire IT support process. For more about the Lenovo ThinkAgile SX for Microsoft Azure Stack and Lenovo ThinkAgile Advantage, check out the company’s official website and newsroom.

Lenovo is not the only company that has joined the Azure’s bandwagon. US-based IT giant Dell EMC is also on the move, making its own announcement this week. Dell EMC’s latest offering might also beat the Chinese company by releasing their hardware offering earlier in the market.

The newly announced Dell EMC for Microsoft Azure will be on the new Dell EMC PowerEdge 14G servers, and Intel Xeon Scalable Processors will power it.

To beat Lenovo in the big enterprise market, the hardware giant must hit the market first. It plans to accept orders as early as next month and starts shipping (globally) in December.

Symantec finally joins Microsoft’s cloud party

In other computing-related stories, Microsoft will get another big boost this week, and this time it came from a cybersecurity firm Symantec. The US cybersecurity company has just announced plans to use the cloud service to deliver its Norton security products online. The move is part of Symantec’s long-term strategy, which aims to increase the company’s efficiency in operations and hybrid cloud, the Windows Report said.

According to Windows Report, the latest partnership has also led to the development of new digital safety capabilities for the Microsoft Azure, which includes new features like advanced threat protection service and even security telemetry. In addition to the new digital safety capabilities, there are also some reports that Symantec plans to utilize Azure cloud service for its various information-related services.