Samsung launched its Galaxy S8 line-up in February this year. It seems like just yesterday since the company unveiled its 2017 flagship. There are already rumors about its successors, Galaxy S9, that are taking the rounds. According to Tech Radar, the Galaxy S9 smartphone will pack a 3D face scanning feature along with a fast processor and an upgraded camera.

Price and release date

Samsung is expected to introduce its Galaxy S9 smartphone for the same price as Galaxy S8 around $725. There won’t be any significant changes that may lead to a rise in the price.

The smartphone may be unveiled earlier than usual. The South Korean has apparently already begun work on the handset. It is expected to be unveiled in January. The firm is, therefore, speculated to start shipping the device either in February or March. This will give Samsung an upper hand over its competitors like Apple, OnePlus, and LG. Consumers won’t even get the chance to compare the smartphone to its substitutes and they will ultimately end up purchasing Galaxy S9.


According to The Investor, Samsung and Qualcomm have joined hands for Galaxy S9. The device is, therefore, rumored to be powered by yet-to-launched Snapdragon 845 chipset. This is highly possible as Galaxy S8 also arrived with Snapdragon 835, which was the latest of what Qualcomm had to offer.

The firm may stick to offering the same old 6GB of RAM. Nokia has already explored the 8GB of RAM arena. Samsung – on that basis – might be expected to do the same.

New features

According to the information provided by the prolific leaker, UniverseIce, Galaxy S9 might feature 3D face sensors. This will be similar to what appeared on Apple’s iPhone X.

The feature will allow users to unlock the smartphone by merely looking at it. Other rumors claim that Samsung is working on integrating an under-the-display fingerprint scanner. The company’s major focus will be invested in the upcoming device’s camera. Sources close to the matter (as suggested by Tech Radar) suggest that the smartphone’s camera will be able to capture 1,000 frames per second soon.

The South Korean giant has been in news for years, for working on a foldable smartphone. Rumors strongly claim that the Galaxy S9 will carry the foldable display feature. The smartphone will, however, be called “Galaxy X.” This information hasn’t been confirmed by the company as yet. Additional details will show up soon.