As rumors continue about the details of the iPhone 8, the latest version of Apple's smartphone is expected to be released in the fall. Although the latest version will finally be released, the supply is not expected to meet demand. One feature that buyers may see when they purchase the iPhone 8 is using facial recognition to unlock the phone instead of the traditional finger touch.

What's new in the iPhone 8

Bloomberg Technology reported that Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the Apple Corporation didn't see a reason to be the first in the market. The goal was to give the user a device that would make a difference in users' lives. As Apple prepares to release the iPhone 8, the CEO spoke of the release of the Home Pod, Apple's version of its speaker. As Apple celebrates its tenth anniversary of the iPhone, the company takes the best not the first philosophy with its latest release. Instead of releasing lots of new features, Apple focused on perfecting the smartphone's features.

Users can still expect new features for the phone which include a SmartCamera that includes improved scene and object detection. 3D facial recognition will allow the user to unlock the phone and make payments. With the infrared feature, users will be able to unlock the phone in low light. The cameras have also been reconfigured to allow for better-augmented reality.

PC Mag reported that there are rumors to suggest that Apple is adding facial recognition as a way to authenticate on mobile and unlock the phone. Samsung has already added this feature to its phone and has removed the awkward fingerprint reader on the back of the phone. Windows 10 also allows for facial scanning as a way to unlock computers that use the operating system.

Although many PC vendors offer fingerprint technology, only about 30 percent of users actually use the feature and use passwords or numerical codes instead.

iPhone 8 may include facial recognition to unlock

CNet reported that iPhone 8 users may prefer to use the Facial Recognition Technology instead of the fingerprint technology to unlock the phone. The reason is that the phone offers a 3D technology that can sense a user's face in millionths of a second. The latest firmware code gives credence to the idea that this will be a feature in the new phones. Although other phones have used this technology for some time, Apple's facial recognition technology is more advanced because of the 3D sensors. There are also claims that the iPhone 8 won't have a fingerprint scanner.