Google took the wraps off its Pixel flagship in October 2016. At first, the smartphones were made available exclusively via Verizon. Users assumed that Verizon would delay software updates and thus, were found to be hesitant regarding making purchases from the platform. With Android Oreo being officially announced, it comes across as a surprise that Verizon is already rolling out the update to Pixel and Pixel XL users.
The software upgrade is accompanied with August security patch (version OPR6.170623.012), as reported by WCCFTech.
Everything users should know
The firm announced its 2017 OS at its I/O conference in May. Since then, developer previews of the update have been made available for users. After officially naming it “Oreo,” this month, the company is slowly working towards providing all Android users with it. But it will surely take some time. As described by Digit, Android Oreo is designed to deliver an all-encompassing experience to mobile users. Android’s Oreo and Nougat share the same design scheme, but this year’s update brings with it several exciting features including Picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, de-cluttered notifications option, revamped app icons and more convenient shortcuts.
The company wants to provide users complete control over their smartphone, and they plan on doing this using Oreo.
Android Oreo is targeted towards improving the handset’s Battery Life, provide quicker updates and make the overall experience smooth and easy. For those who don’t want to wait for the official Android Oreo to be made available to them, can resort to methods pointed out by Tech Radar.
Sign up for Android Beta Program
Interested users can scroll through Google’s official Android website and register themselves for the Android Beta Program. The firm will then start pushing all the latest software updates to the compatible smartphone. The process usually takes place via an over-the-air update.
Another way of accessing the Android Oreo update is by flashing the device. Flashing might wipe out the memory present on the smartphone, therefore; it is advisable that one backs their mobile data up before flashing it. Registered app developers are usually provided with the update sooner than normal users. It’s very easy to register as the developer. Simply tap, “Build number,” option under the “About Phone” section of the device and register as the developer.