The Verizon locked Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 has been running on the Android Marshmallow version. However, the carrier has now started rolling out the Android 7.0 Nougat update to the device. T-Mobile has already started rolling out the Software Update a few days ago to its version of the tablet, which may have been the reason why Verizon has followed suit.
Verizon Android Nougat update for the Galaxy Tab S2
Verizon Android Nougat update for the Galaxy Tab S2On Saturday, June 10, Verizon announced that it has started rolling out the Android 7.0 Nougat update for the tablet. Users of the device on the carrier have been waiting for a long time for this announcement and will welcome the changes and security updates that the newer version of the Android OS will bring. The software version of the update is NRD90M.T818VVRU1BQE1.
Before downloading the update though, Galaxy Tab S2 users should ensure that they are connected to a strong Wi-Fi connection or a high speed Verizon cellular network data, so that the update can be downloaded without interruptions.
The carrier also advised people to ensure that the Galaxy Tab S2 has a fully charged battery before installing the Android Nougat update.
New features the update will bring
The interface of the device will change significantly after the update is installed and the Android Nougat features will also get integrated into the tablet. New battery management functionality has also been added to the Samsung offering. This means that the tablet’s battery backup will now be greater than it was previously. Presets such as medium power saving mode and maximum power saving mode will allow users to easily customize the battery backup. App power monitor is a system which will detect unused background apps and terminate them to maximize battery performance.
Android Nougat also supports split screen wherein users will be able to view two open apps simultaneously and side by side. This is greatly useful for people who need two apps open to multitasking. The Recent App will let users select the split screen function for any of the desired apps.
The camera features will also be updated. This means that the user will now be able to see the different effects on a picture before clicking it. This preview mode allows the users to check all available filters and effects while taking the picture. People can just launch the camera app and swipe left to open the filter and effects screen which will offer the preview of the image being taken, after the application of a particular filter. A download option is also present on the top of this section, which will allow users to download unique filters and effects from the internet.