The latest mid-range Android smartphone from China is getting positive reviews from tech analysts. The Chinese flagship device dubbed as OnePlus 5 has impressive performance that is hidden under its humble design. In the most recent tests conducted among the latest smartphones in the market, it appears that this modest Chinese smartphone completely destroyed HTC U11 and Samsung Galaxy S8.
The power within
The majority of the latest smartphones available in the market today are equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processors. The company describes the latest chip as small in size but massive in features.
The edge-sensitive HTC U11, the newly launched OnePlus 5, and the stunningly gorgeous Samsung Galaxy S8 have one thing in common. Underneath their outer cover lies the Snapdragon 835 processor.
Series of tests
The three smartphones powered by SD835 mentioned above were subject to a speed test. These devices were made to run 20 applications in succession as they raced against time. The first set was conducted to see how fast the devices can access the applications that were launched. In other words, the test is for the smartphones’ RAM performance.
With the Chinese flagship device having the biggest RAM at 8GB, it handily defeated the other two devices that only have 4GB of random access memory.
In addition, it completed the routine in just a matter of 51.3 seconds. Its performance is 3.5 seconds faster than the edge-sensitive device and 12.7 seconds speedier than the South Korean flagship phone. The speed test is uploaded to YouTube to see which apps consumed more time reloading.
Last week, a user under the name SuperSafTV shared on YouTube a video revealing a test on the charging speed between four Android devices.
Between the Galaxy S8, HTC U11, Xperia XZ Premium, and the latest Chinese smartphone, the mid-range Android phone from China aced the test.
The fastest Android phone
Equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 and a massive RAM that can go as huge as 8GB, the latest Chinese flagship device is a beast among the smartphones that were recently released.
The phone’s animations are dynamic, the apps are ultra-fast, and scrolling is free from stutter.
The 8GB of RAM inside the phone plays a significant role in running smoothly that no other smartphone can offer, so far. Aside from that, its operating system is bloat-free. Moreover, OnePlus 5 has an oddly fast fingerprint sensor. So far, the Chinese flagship device outperforms all other smartphones that were recently released.