OnePlus has launched the OnePlus 5 handset worldwide recently. The flagship device from the company will be succeeding last year’s flagships Oneplus 3 and OnePlus 3T, both of which were a hit, so much so that the company’s CEO and co-founder Pete Lau previously confirmed that both will receive the upcoming Android O update. Now, an employee has confirmed the OS’ arrival.
The company stopped manufacturing the 2016 flagships just some weeks back and said that it would focus its entire production on the OnePlus 5. However, for those users who already use the OnePlus 3 or OnePlus 3T handsets, the company seems to have decided to provide the Android O update.
In fact, according to a company insider, it will try to provide the update with the new operating system to last year’s flagship device users by the end of 2017.
Android O update in the pipeline
When Pete Lau had announced that the Android O update would eventually hit both the handsets, he had not disclosed any dates. However, fans were hopeful that the new OS would be rolled out to the devices by the end of 2017. Now, it seems the company intends to do just that.
During a recent 'Ask Me Anything' thread on Reddit, a company employee detailed how it was planning on providing the Android O update. The employee also narrowed down the timeline within which users should expect the update. However, Google is yet to release the operating system and also find a suitable name for it, before it can be rolled out to any Android-powered smartphone.
At the moment, rumors indicate that Android O could be called Oatmeal Cookie or Oreo, but one thing is for sure and that is that it will be Android 8.0.
Specs of OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T
The two handsets sport 5.5-inch Full HD 1080p displays. The OnePlus 3 was powered by the Snapdragon 820 chipset, while its sibling ran on the Snapdragon 821 SoC.
The OnePlus 3T also boasted the greater native storage of 128 GB as compared to the older model, which houses 64 GB of onboard storage. Both the handsets come with 6 GB of RAM.
Both the handsets performed admirably in the market mainly due to its premium specs, but at mid-range smartphone costs. The devices came with Android Nougat upon launch and will soon be upgraded to the Android O operating system.
It is expected that the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 will be the first smartphones to tout the next-gen operating system.