"Halo" series fans are awaiting and expecting for "Halo 6" to be announced during the upcoming E3 2017. However, a recent announcement by the community manager Brian Jarrard on Reddit. "I'll slip into my Dreamcrusher persona for a minute in the name of realistic expectations: We've said this already but we'll have a little something at E3 but it's not related to the next major entry in the franchise," Jarrard mentions. Now, if this little something for the E3 2017 is not related to the expected "Halo 6" title, then what could it be?
Fans are expecting that it may be another trailer or some teaser of the game.
Otherwise, it is some announcement that will rekindle the passion of the "Halo" series. While 343 Industries are planning "a little something," this may be a chance to polish "Halo 6" and buy time on the developers themselves. Other than that, fans are having a fiery debate about "Halo Reach" is not the main entry but a major entry likened to that of the "Star Wars" series.
Beta announcements or any supplements
Just like other upcoming games, 343 Industries could release a beta or some demo to whet the appetites of fans. However, there are no announcements regarding that. This may be another step for "Halo 6" to have a grand entry later on. Regarding the fact that it will not be included on the upcoming E3 2017, the title may have something that will tackle other popular games in the market.
Possible "Project Scorpio" platform
As the heated debate continues and theories coming out here and there, fans are hoping that the upcoming Microsoft "Project Scorpio" may have a role to play along with the "Halo 6" title. If the fans' hunches are right, Microsoft could release "Halo 6" on the "Project Scorpio" instead to provide the competitive gaming platform that bests PlayStation 4 and Xbox.
Furthermore, the speculated features and performance of the said "Project Scorpio" may provide a new perspective to the game. Otherwise, the waiting game for fans will not end real soon. Nevertheless, E3 2017 will have numerous things for player and fans this year and will surely not disappoint. As for 343 Industries, they will surely take their time to finish and polish ends on "Halo 6." For now, fans and players should wait what the developers have on their sleeves when E3 2017 will commence. They should ready their ears and strengthen the connection to get the latest news about the upcoming "Halo 6."