"Little Nightmares" was created by Tarsier Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game is an immersive horror-puzzle game with a bit of adventure along the way as the protagonist of the story named Six, who wishes to escape from the corrupted souls.

For people familiar with Tim Burton's works and some of the whimsical short animations that can be seen online, this game will blend those elements together.

However, players seem to have finished the game earlier. The reviews of players on Steam are very positive, but there is that one factor that isn't faring well with players — this concerns the length of the game.

Players who bought the game seem to be bothered by how short the game is, considering that they only finished it about 2 to 3 hours. For a $15 to $17 game, they expected more. Nevertheless, the overall content, sounds, and ambiance are excellent. For a more specific probability, the developers and creators of the game may add a sequel to it, but the choice and information are up to them.

Atmospheric game with great ambiance

Two of the most contributing factor to a well-made game are sounds and the overall atmosphere. The overall atmosphere that "Little Nightmares" provide is likened to that of a grungy, dirty, and grim place, where people think all hope is lost. In addition, it adds the very experience of a Nightmare, which people dream and experienced in real life. As much as the game offers that kind of atmosphere, the other factor would be the sounds and ambiance. This is great for players who use headphones.

Sounds and ambiance present the game to another level by making it more realistic. Moreover, these two factors welcome immersion, which is a strong point to excellent ratings in games.

"Little Nightmares" provide excellent animation during cutscenes, according to reviews. In terms of software issues or crashes, there are minor so far, but this does not affect the quality of the game at all.

Additional DLCs

Mentioning earlier about the sounds and ambiance, the added DLC of "Little Nightmares" is actually its own soundtracks. Gamers will have to pay a little extra for the copy of the soundtracks if they want to purchase along with the game. Thus, the game is an experience that shouldn't be missed.

It is now available on Steam for the PC version. Stealth games are common, but games with a hint of puzzle and horror would sure make it more fun. For those who haven't seen the trailer of the game, here it is below: