New Cleveland Browns receiver Odell Beckham Jr has been a lightning rod for most of his career. Sometimes, the attention he gets isn't all that fair. Other times, OBJ obviously brings it on himself. Earlier this week, it was very much the latter when the former New York Giants star gave an interview to GQ. It was a wide-ranging interview over a number of subjects but the central point was that OBJ really didn't enjoy the end of his time in the Big Apple.
One of the many disparaging comments he made towards his old team was that he was the reason they got any attention at all. He added he was the reason they were ever getting put into Prime Time game slots. One of his former teammates wasn't too keen those particular comments and he made it clear he wasn't in agreement.
'I won a few games before he was here'
Giants quarterback Eli Manning isn't one who gets into too many public spats. That's why his response to the Cleveland Browns' wide receiver stood out on social media Thursday afternoon. Asked about OBJ's comments, the quarterback came as close as firing with both barrels as you're likely to see.
"I don't think they bothered me. You just kind of shake your head and laugh. ... I won a few games before he was here."
While Manning is claiming the comments didn't bother him, the second part of that quite seems to be pretty obviously a burn aimed at Beckham Jr. Manning is right, of course. Before New York ever had the star receiver, they won a couple of championships. On the other hand, when OBJ arrived in town, it's hard to argue the team hadn't taken a rather bad turn.
Beckham isn't wrong when he says he was certainly a key aspect for the Giants getting any attention at all some years. Now on a star-studded Cleveland Browns team, he might be able to be less of a lightning rod.
OBJ has thrown shade at Eli before
While it's unlikely that there will be a full-blown feud between OBJ and Eli Manning, it's also pretty clear they aren't going to be hanging out over the offseason. Beckham has recently made comments that he's been quite impressed with the arm strength of Cleveland Browns' quarterback Baker Mayfield.
In one interview, he said that the power behind those throws was "something completely different." It's not clear if he absolutely intended those comments to be a slight aimed at Manning's arm strength but it's absolutely what it turned out to sound like to more than a few G-Men fans.
The good news is that the closer we get to the season, the less we have to hear about OBJ's former teams and the more we can talk about what he's doing for the Cleveland Browns as they attempt to make the playoffs for the first time since professional football returned to the city.