So far, Season 15 of “America's Got Talent” is having a hard time doing what the host wide-ranging talent competition of all TV Shows does best-- giving attention to the talented hopefuls onstage. Host Terry Crews takes the emcee reigns and usually has the perfect tone in making every nervous contestant feel the strength to give their best performance. This time, however, as reported by ShowBiz CheatSheet and USA Today this morning, June 8, the gregarious host is likely experiencing some nervous sweats after his social media comments referring to Black supremacy in these tumultuous times.

Social media sting takes the shine away from the ‘America's Got Talent’ stage

Terry Crews has long considered himself to be a leading voice for positive change in the black community, but whether by timing or intent, his comments often sway to the contrary. The former NFL star, and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” regular, delivers right on cue with comic relief on “America's Got Talent,” recently doing his bit in a T-shirt-ripping contest, but falters on the more serious social matters.

The actor, comedian, and musician initiated a series of messages on June 7, beginning with one stating that “Defeating White supremacy without white people creates Black supremacy. Equality is the truth. Like it or not, we are all in this together.”

Terry’s heart was in the right place, but simply the mention of certain ignited terms, along with “equality” amid the continually growing protests for drastic changes to law enforcement and against injustice sparked immediate unfavorable replies from all corners to the “America's Got Talent” frontman.

Tyler James Williams, who co-starred with Crews in “Everybody Hates Chris,” reassured that while “you know it's all love always” the current situation deems that “we’re rightfully angry right now” with anyone not fully on board for the cause. Williams echoed that attention given to Crews’ tone and wording was a diversion from the efforts of multiplied thousands.

Author, Kevin Powell, whose book, “When We Free the World,” contains essays on the future of freedom, justice, and equality in America, retorted that Crews “makes no sense.” Powell maintains that the black community has never assumed such behavior or authority as white counterparts (in the supremacist vein) and “no proof in history” exists that behavior “even close” to that of white supremacists has ever been cultivated in the black community to harm white people.

Crews countered: “That's not what I'm saying, Kevin. At all.” This verbal sparring will take more than the trademark “America’s Got Talent” smile and swagger from Terry Crews to be settled, but at least a dialogue is happening.

Words and no words of support, cut deep on ‘America's Got Talent’

Terry Crews and Kevin Powell continued their discussion, but Powell ultimately insisted “that given your platform, you just cannot post something like this.”

Actor Orlando Jones offered that “we got 99 problems and your math isn't 1,” showcasing the disparity in population numbers. Author Frederick Joseph perhaps struck deepest with his verbal dagger, declaring “Every time I think Terry Crews has done the worst, he always does more.”

Everyone should be granted the grace of forgiveness, but the present social media slaying of the “America's Got Talent” host could be considered as “turnabout is fair play” in some circles.

When Gabrielle Union brought accusations to light that the atmosphere of the talent competition became “toxic to her health and her mental/emotional balance in Season 14, Terry Crews remained mum in support. Instead, the host raved that “I have never been in a more diverse place in 20 years of entertainment.” His remarks were made before the internal investigation into Union’s issues was completed.

Gabrielle Union has now filed a formal complaint of harassment with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and is represented by the attorney, Bryan Freedman.

In late January, Crews confessed via social media and that he had invalidated her experience. “I should have at the very least understood [that] you just needed my support,” ended the “America's Got Talent” funnyman’s messages.

Silence is one of the deadliest weapons to fairness and equality.

Terry Crews was delighted for the ‘America's Got Talent’ Season 15 premiere

Only two weeks ago, Terry Crews was on “Today” to celebrate the new season of “America's Got Talent” and a much deeper blessing to his life--the welcome news that his wife, Rebecca, is now 100% cancer-free. Rebecca made the decision to undergo a double mastectomy only weeks before the coronavirus quarantine restrictions went into effect. Her husband happily took on the mission of ensuring everything in her home environment was sanitized so as not to challenge her recovery while being immune-compromised.

Terry Crews focused on a "spirit of love" in closing social media comments.

Still, the spigot is flowing.

The spirited show business veteran, Terry Crews, would like to find new words to offer him protection from the backlash to his social media stance. The world has changed a lot in just a few weeks, and the global pandemic has taken a backseat to surging social cries for change in the wake of George Floyd's murder. No expert has every answer when it comes to meaningful change and all of us are learning the power of unified consciousness. Sometimes simply listening is the best route to understanding. On “America's Got Talent” and in life, critiques can be useful.