The tables have turned. Last month, "90 Day Fiancé" star Lisa Hamme accused her husband, Usman, of being a scammer. The American reality star said that Usman had used her to further his music career. At the time, Usman did not respond directly to the allegations. However, the Nigerian reality star appears to have reconsidered his decision to stay silent. In a recent Instagram video, Usman accused Lisa of swindling him.

Usman shows proof

"90 Day Fiancé" star Usman revealed that after a cameo appearance for an entertainment company in the United States, he appointed Lisa to collect his compensation. Even though the company advised him against having a third party collect the payment, Usman insisted that since Lisa was his wife, he was confident that she would give him the money once the company wrote her a check. After the company paid out the money to Lisa, Usman said that his wife refused to send him the money. During his Instagram video, the Nigerian reality star displayed a check worth $26,478 which had been paid out to Lisa.

Although the check had Lisa’s name on it, the money was payment for services provided by Soja Boy Entertainment, which is Usman’s music company.

It appears that Usman and Lisa’s marriage is on borrowed time. In his Instagram video, Usman told fans that Lisa had bought a new car with his money. The Nigerian reality star said that Lisa had given him many excuses after she received his money. Instead of sending him the money immediately after she received it, Lisa told Usman that she would have to hold on to it for tax purposes. However, Usman said that he told her to deduct the taxable amount and send him the balance, but she refused.

Marriage in trouble

To end the video, Usman declared that he would file for an annulment of their marriage.

He said that he would not get back together with Lisa if she refused to refund the payment she had received on his behalf. The 31-year-old reality star said that he was confident that he would get an annulment because he had a lot of evidence to prove that Lisa had swindled him during their marriage. Usman also told fans that Lisa’s racist behavior had led to the couple being fire from TLC’s spinoff series, "B90 Strikes Back." The show will feature the cast members from the recently concluded fourth season of "90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days."

However, TLC fired Lisa after Usman accused her of using the N-word during an argument. After seeing Usman’s video, "90 Day Fiancé" fans expressed their disgust towards Lisa. It appears that the American reality star has been trying to tarnish Usman’s reputation. After her husband’s latest accusations, fans are eagerly waiting to see how Lisa will defend herself.