The "90 Day Fiancé" series achieved a new milestone earlier this year after it featured its first same-sex couple. Erika and Stephanie appeared on the recently concluded season of "90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days." Following the lesbian’s couple successful run on the show, it appears that TLC will continue allowing more same-sex couples to feature on the network. This month, the second season of "90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way," premiered on TLC, and fans are getting to know the only gay couple on the show, Armando Rubio, and Kenneth Niedermeier.

Kenneth and Armando's love story

Kenneth is a 57-year-old American who moved to Mexico to be with his boyfriend, Armando. However, fans have expressed their concern over the couple’s sizeable age difference. Armando is only 31 years of age, and many "90 Day Fiancé" viewers have expressed their discomfort over the couple’s 26-year age difference. While the two reality stars say that they are comfortable with their huge age gap, they will still have to overcome several cultural differences in Mexico.

In a preview to the next episode, Armando tries to convince his parents to accept him even though they do not like the fact that he is gay. As they have a meal together, Armando brings up the topic about his sexuality and tells his parents that he has spent his whole life hiding the truth from them.

The Mexican reality star admits that he even got married to his ex-wife to protect his parents from being shamed by society. Armando emotionally confides in his parents that there were nights when he cried alone because he couldn’t express himself to his family.

While Armando’s parents did not respond, they appeared emotional, and his mother eventually cried after he told them that he felt that they did not love him.

The Mexican reality has revealed that he has always struggled with his sexuality in his country. Armando has stated that the macho culture in his country pressured him into marrying a woman as a way of fitting in with society.

Armando's daughter

Armando even has a 6-year-old daughter from his first marriage. After his wife found out that he was gay, she felt lost and confused by the situation even though Armando tried to explain his feelings in a less hurtful manner.

Unfortunately, his ex-wife died in a tragic road accident after they divorced. Fans have expressed their sympathy for Armando’s backstory, and it appears as if his boyfriend, Kenneth, will have his work cut out for him as he tries to help Armando overcome the stigma associated with being gay in Mexico. Fans should tune in to TLC next Monday to find out whether Armando’s parents will accept his new relationship.