The drama continues. Usman Umar and Lisa Hamme have traded accusations on social media, and the two appear headed for a divorce. The "90 Day Fiancé" couple tied the knot in a recent episode of the show, but after Lisa traveled back to the United States, rumors emerged that the couple was having problems. The rumors rang true this week after Lisa gave an explosive interview regarding her current marital situation.
Lisa vs Usman continues
In an Instagram live interview with her promoter, Rocco Straz, Lisa accused Usman of turning their marriage into a romance scam.
The American reality star told fans that her Nigerian husband did not love her. Instead, Usman had used her to further his music career. Lisa angrily claimed that he had turned several cast members against her, and she revealed that he had made more than $20,000 from promoting his music since he appeared on "90 Day Fiancé." Lisa accused Usman of greed since he had not shared the money with his family. The 52-year-old also addressed Usman’s allegations that she had tried to commit suicide.
While holding back tears, Lisa said that she had never threatened to kill herself if Usman refused to marry her. She accused her husband of lying and declared that she had never considered taking her life because of Usman.
The American reality star brought up her deceased daughter and told fans that after she died, she did not consider committing suicide despite the pain she was going through at the time. Lisa compared the situation to her current relationship with Usman and said that if she had not been suicidal at the time, it was absurd for her husband to claim that she had threatened to harm herself because of their relationship.
Usman has since come out to defend himself from Lisa’s scathing remarks. In his latest Instagram post, the Nigerian reality star rubbished his wife’s claims that he had used her in a romantic scam. He accused Lisa of constantly using the N-word in their relationship and claimed that he had become a successful artist despite her jealous attitude.
Usman also said that even though Lisa had claimed that he had swindled her, his actions would prove that she was lying.
Lisa on her child
As he concluded the post, Usman claimed that Lisa was using her deceased child to gain the fan’s sympathy. Fans were shocked by the latest twist in the couple’s relationship. In some leaked portions of the upcoming "Tell All" episodes, Usman had accused Lisa of using the N-word. Lisa has admitted that she had used the racial slur, but she claimed that she had used the offensive word because she was angry with her husband. The couple could continue trading accusations on social media, and fans will eventually have to pick a side in this bitter feud.