"90 Day Fiancé" Season 7 is going to be very interesting, with a lot of drama, once it goes live. Fans will have a chance to see some of their favorite stars attempt to have a relationship with foreigners under 90 days. This is something every fan should be excited about.

Cast members for '90 Day Fiancé'

"90 Day Fiancé" fans are going to be treated to some exciting drama once Season 7 premieres from November 3.

Word on the street is that 7 couples are going to try having their happily ever after in 90 Days. Mostly, the couples will capitalize on the K1 Visa process to get over any barrier preventing them from settling down together.

Viewers are going to witness every part of these couple lives. They will learn about their countries of origin, how they met and if within 90 days marriage will be their ultimate goal. The 7 couples include, Robert, 41, and Anny, 30; Mike ,34 and Natalie, 35; Tania ,29 and Syngin, 29; Anna,38 and Mursel 38; Blake, 29 and Jasmin, 27; Emily, 28, and Sasha, 31; Michael, 41 and Juliana, 23.

Cast backgrounds

Jasmin (Finland) and Blake (Los Angeles)

The two first met online before having a face to face meeting in Finland. Surprisingly, romance got the better of them, almost immediately, prompting Blake to propose during his next trip to Finland. However, his family and friends do not approve of their union, considering Jasmin’s sister is in Los Angeles after having won the green card lottery.

Robert (Florida) and Anny (Dominican Republic)

Robert and Anny had their first encounter on social media where they started talking daily and then for the next six months. They first met when Robert's vacation cruise made a stop in the Dominican Republic. They got engaged in a matter of hours without any engagement ring.

Juliana (Brazil) and Michael (Connecticut)

For Michael and Juliana, it was love at first sight. They met in Croatia during a yacht party and, with a prompt attraction, they were in love. Unfortunately, Juliana was denied a tourist visa forcing them to take advantage of the K1 process for the sole reason of living together. But it turns out, Michael is not the man she thought he was, he has an ex-wife with

Anna (Nebraska) and Mursel (Turkey)

Mursel met Anna on social media, and their passion for beekeeping got them talking. The language barrier did not stop their romance from blossoming. Mursel decided to propose, to the mother of three, on social media after their first meeting in Turkey. However, it doesn’t seem as though Mursel’s family will approve of their relationship considering that Anna is a mother of three and had a child out of wedlock.

Natalie (Ukraine) and Mike (Washington)

Mike was introduced to Natalie by his pal and his new bride from Ukraine. On meeting for the second time, Mike proposed, but there was a catch for their anticipated happily-ever-after. Natalie is a typical city girl, unlike Mike who is rustic. Furthermore, their different church-going practices is a serious obstacle to their relationship.

Syngin (South Africa) and Tania (Connecticut)

Tania met a man from South Africa through a dating app and decided to meet him. On reaching South Africa, she met Syngin a bartender after her first agenda fails to materialize. She went with him to his home where she ended up staying for several months. However, their different future aspirations became a stumbling block in their quest to married.

Sasha (Russia) and Emily (Oregon)

Immediately after finishing college, Emily decided to move to Russia. While on her visit to the gym, she ran into Sasha, who eventually became her tutor and trainer. They fell in love despite Emily discovering Sasha's two ex-wives and a son with each of them. Emily is already pregnant and the two will be soon moving to America.