The latest news for ''90 Day Fiance" reports that Larissa Dos Santos Lima and Evelin do not stop disagreeing on Instagram. The issue became hot after Corey and Larissa went out together. It seems that on that occasion, Corey told Colt's ex-wife many embarrassing secrets. As Soap Dirt wrote, Larissa didn't stop there.

Larissa sinks Evelin

The last ''90 Day Fiance'' rumors suggest that Larissa and Corey spent an evening in Las Vegas, together. Nothing romantic, even though it sparked off unexpected backstage. Larissa said Corey revealed some burning secrets to her.

As if that wasn't enough, Larissa sank Evelin accusing her of babysitting illegally. Also, according to Colt's ex-wife, Corey told her all about Evelin exchanging nudes with her. Is it a lie her or did things really go like this?

Evelin, after listening to Larissa's words, didn't waste time replying. Evelin made a live video on her Instagram profile, in which she talked about the situation. She said she was aware of some chats between Larissa and Corey. He would tease Larissa by saying that he looks like Michael Jackson. Even Evelin did not have sweet words for Dos Santos, calling her a "plastic woman." In her opinion, Larissa would have done all this for popularity and to end up in the spotlight.

Plastic surgery and fame are the addictions of Colt's ex-wife, said Evelin. Finally, she admitted that she was tired of this useless and tiring war. Evelin, before concluding her video, said she was sorry about the situation, as women should join together and fight together, rather than wage war. However, Evelin wasted no time in blowing up her husband on Instagram.

Larissa and Corey in Las Vegas, what really happened?

Fans of the "90 Day Fiance" meeting between Corey and Larissa in Las Vegas are having their say. The two just had fun playing slot machines and drinking a few drinks. However, Larissa unleashed hell by saying that Colt told her burning secrets about Evelin.

Evelin, in her Instagram video, turned to Larissa Dos Santos and told her that she should be more respectful of women.

Corey, on the other hand, wrote on social media that her heart is just Evelin's and still loving her: "You're the most wonderful woman she could ever want," she added. Corey then specified that he was not attracted to Larissa at all, but that he loved Evelin with all his heart. He finally pointed out that there is only friendship between him and Larissa. The same version of the facts was given by Colt's ex-wife. Nothing has happened''' he says. Our picture was innocent and we are adults," added Larissa on Instagram. Finally, she turned to Evelin, ironically advising her that she should resolve the matter with her man and not attacking her. The matter gets more and more interesting, stay tuned for other ''90 Day Fiance'' news, spoilers and updates.