The drama continues as one of television’s longest-running shows takes new twists. Rumors from "The Bold and The Beautiful" indicate that Thomas Forrester(Martin Atkinson) will reveal his involvement, in Emma Barber’s (Nia Sioux) death to his father, Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye). Though he is angry at his son’s revelations, Ridge will be forced to step up and try to help his son recover from the fallout that will arise. Bill Spencer, (Don Diamont) will be carrying out an evidence hunt with the aim of putting Thomas in jail for the pain and destruction he has caused him and his family.

Thomas will come back stronger

According to Celebrating The Soaps, rumor has it that Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) feels pressured to put his family together and get back to work at Forrester Creations. "The Bold and The Beautiful" rumors, however, indicate that Thomas, with the help of his father, will be able to overcome any legal hurdles that come his way and fight to reclaim his life. He will battle for control of Forrester’s Creations with Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline Maclnnes Wood) as well as for the custody of Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) since Liam Spencer (Scot Clifton) and Hope Logan (Anika Noelle) don’t think he is fit to be Douglas’s father.

The character of Thomas will, therefore, be heavily involved in driving key storylines, moving forward, and "The Bold and The Beautiful" fans can expect him to be up to his usual tricks and deception.

Thomas’s character has carried out some dark and irredeemable deeds during his run on the show so how the show eventually makes him pay the price will be exciting to watch.

'B&B' to get more exciting

Brooke Forrester (Katherine Kelly Long) will also be heavily involved as she tries to protect Hope from being manipulated by Thomas.

This will put a strain on her relationship with Ridge who becomes suspicious of her intentions and takes his son’s side over Brooke’s. Rumors suggest that Brooke will warn Thomas that he will pay for what he did to Hope. Will this lead to a serious altercation between the two? Thomas’s life could be in danger and we could be in for a serious plot twist according to the rumors.

With so many people out to get Thomas, the show promises to be as thrilling as ever and we could be in for a long battle of wits before one of the main characters on the show finally comes out on top. We can only wait and see what will happen next. Is Thomas truly in any mortal danger? Stay tuned to the CBS soap and don’t forget to come back for juicier spoilers, rumors, and updates on one of television’s most enticing dramas.