"The Bold and the Beautiful" is finally addressing the role Thomas Forrester played in keeping the baby switch quiet, as well as his causing Emma's car accident. At this point, most everyone in the Logan and Forrester families is aware of the circumstance, except the one man who should have been told first. On Wednesday, Hope had Justin help her annul her marriage to Thomas and filled him in on everything that her new husband has been up to.
Neither she nor Liam, however, said one word about the Forrester heir's role in the death of Mr Barber's niece. Flo, Zoe, and Xander have all mentioned this when explaining why they kept the baby swap a secret, yet Justin and Dollar Bill thus far remain in the dark.
Justin Barber may be the last to find out how his niece died
During the past few weeks on "The Bold and the Beautiful" the story of the baby switch has been coming out. Xander, Flo, and Xoe have told their tales multiple times and Reese has been arrested. The role of Thomas Forrester in deceiving his family and also causing Emma's death has also been addressed, except to the one man who should have heard it first.
Justin Barber's sister is Emma's mother yet all they know is that her car ran off the side of the road and down an embankment.
On Wednesday's episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful", Hope and Liam were thankful to Justin for setting things in motion to annul the marriage to Thomas and absolve Beth's adoption as Phoebe. The deeds of terrible Tom were discussed but not one word was said to Mr Barber about his being the reason that Emma died. At the same time, Detective Sanchez was questioning Ridge about the role his son played in Emma's demise. When the truth finally is revealed it looks like the man who should have been told first, might be the last to find out.
Justin's concerns for Thomas would amplify if he knew about Emma
Celeb Dirty Laundry rumors indicate that after listening to Liam and Hope, Justin Barber's concern grows for the possibility of Thomas retaliating. If he knew the lengths that Ridge's son went to in order to silence his niece he would truly be outraged. Soap Dirt implies that Thomas will serve time in jail, which indicates that his role in Emma's death will come to light. There would be no criminal charges for simply keeping quiet about the baby switch, which is why Xander and Zoe have not been apprehended.
Once the truth comes out that Emma died while trying to warn Hope and Liam that Beth was alive, both Justin and Dollar Bill will be on the warpath.
This will probably initiate conflict with Ridge and the Spencers and Forresters may be at war again. Be on the lookout for updated spoilers and continue watching "The Bold and the Beautiful" weekday afternoons on CBS at 1:30 PM EST.