Om "The Bold and the Beautiful" Ridge and Brooke had been having pretty smooth sailing in their marriage until recently. Thanks to Dr. Buckingham and Shauna, a Pandora's box of trials and tribulations have come their way. The news that Steffy's daughter Phoebe is really Hope's child Beth has unleashed an avalanche of fallout that will not be cleared up anytime soon. Emma is dead, Reese is in jail and Flo is headed to prison while Xander and Zoe were fired.
Hope's new cousin who was welcomed into the family turned out to be harboring this life-changing secret. Detective Sanchez is asking questions and now Thomas is lying at the bottom of a cliff and may end up fighting for his life.
Brooke deals with Thomas
Friday's episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful" began with Ridge and Brooke attempting unsuccessfully to reach their children by phone. Amelia showed up and said she had dropped Douglas off with his dad at a friend's apartment in Hollywood, Ridge drove there only to find the nanny was back with his grandson and Thomas was gone to find Hope. Douglas said his stepmom was at Aunt Steffy's so Ridge called Brooke and said he was headed to the cliff house.
His wife responded that she would do the same.
Brooke arrives first and sees Thomas pulling her daughter's arms as they stand outside near the top of the embankment. She tells him to let Hope go and runs towards the couple. Ridge's wife steps between her daughter and stepson and in an attempt to keep Thomas at bay gives him a gentle shove. Just as Ridge walks up he sees his son going over the edge of the cliff. The scene ends with the Forrester heir lying flat on his back on the beach below."B&B" rumors suggest that this scenario may lead to the end of the "Bridge" marriage.
Ridge blames Brooke for Thomas condition
"B&B" rumors from Soap Dirt and Soaps She Knows say that on Tuesday, Ridge will accuse his wife of attempted murder.
Because of her recent statements, Brooke's spouse will think she went after his son on purpose. Detective Sanchez will be on hand as he wanted to question Thomas about Emma's accident. Now he will be suspicious of Brooke and eager to hear her explanation. Hope knows and the viewers could see that Brooke made a spit second decision out of fear her daughter would be hurt. What happened was in no way premeditated.
Ridge will see things differently because he is in denial regarding his son's mental state. He is blinded by his guilt and will consider that his wife wanted the tragedy to take place is serious. The Bridge marriage has endured a lot during the past few months but Brooke being accused of attempted murder by her husband is serious, Be sure you tune in to the next exciting episode of "The Bold and Beautiful."