Spoiler alerts for "The Bold and the Beautiful" indicate that two of the Logan women will be completely caught off guard on Monday's episode. Last week Brooke was arguing with Taylor because she saw her kissing Ridge. Their discourse continues this week and Ms. Hayes shocks her rival by admitting an agenda she has related to her grandson. Thomas is grieving for Caroline but will admit to a stunned Hope that their relationship was not what everyone thought it to be.

Later she will tell her husband that she is more interested in helping her stepbrother raise his son than trying to have another baby.

Taylor's agenda, Thomas confesses

Soaps She Knows says that on Monday, Brooke and her nemesis will continue the discourse they began last week when Taylor kissed Ridge. The psychiatrist is still dealing with the emotional issues that led her to shoot Bill and obviously is quite unstable. This is more than likely why she planed a lip lock on her former spouse after saying she thought Hope and Douglas needed each other. Ms. Hayes is probably going to share her theory with Ms.Logan that Thomas and Hope should raise her grandson together.

The spoiler reveals that Thomas and Hope are going to have a chat and she will be shocked when he says he and Caroline were not a couple. He shared with his parents last week that he and his baby mama lived together only to give Douglas a stable family unit. This information is probably what leads Hope to her next decision, which could lead to the end of her marriage.

Hope and Thomas may become a couple

Taylor's ultimate goal is for her son and Brooke's daughter to become a couple and raise Douglas together. This shocked Ridge, so his wife will probably be even more outraged. Brooke will see through the alleged concern for Douglas and call out Thomas's mother for her true agenda. which is to get Liam and Steffy back together.

She may have an ally in Hope who has already been pushing for the same thing.

Celeb Dirty Laundry says that when Liam brings up the subject of having another baby, his wife is going to make a shocking announcement of her own. Hope will say that she is not ready to think about becoming pregnant again, and wants to help Thomas raise Douglas, who is now motherless. If this is what ends up taking place, then Taylor may see her agenda play out after all. be on the lookout for updated spoilers and be sure to watch Monday's episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful" at 1:30 PM EST on CBS.