Spoiler alerts for "The Young and the Restless" indicate that the mystery surrounding J.T.'s death may be close to being resolved. Tessa has been revealed as the one who is blackmailing the cover-up crew and on Friday she showed Mariah video footage of Nikki, Sharon, Victoria, and Phyllis disposing of J.T.'s body in Chancellor Park. Previews for Monday have Mariah confronting her mother with what she knows.

Sharon will do everything she can to try and keep her daughter away from the ugly truth, but it's too late. Rey is closing in and things are getting tense so the end for this storyline may be close at hand.

Mariah tells Sharon all

Soap Dirt says that on Monday, Mariah will come clean to her mother about the video. Sharon will initially deny it all, but eventually, she will admit that what he daughter witnessed is true. Spoilers don't indicate what come next but do indicate that Rey is closing in on the facts surrounding J.T.'s disappearance. Sharon will no doubt become frantic and make mistakes.

She may even decide to tell her side of the story to her co-worker/tenant.

Mariah will no doubt have some empathy for her mom when she hears the entire story, but it's not clear how she will handle the situation. Soaps She Knows reports that Sharon will be wondering about Mia and Rye's relationship this week, and make plans for Thanksgiving dinner. Her daughter may have decided to keep the secret, at least until the holiday is over.

Cover-up crew must answer for their actions

"Y&R" viewers realize that this incredible storyline cannot go indefinitely and the cover-up crew must answer for their actions. Now that Rey has J.T.'s watch and Tessa has incriminating evidence perhaps the truth will soon set them all free.

Soap Dirt and Soaps She Knows also indicate that Victoria will find herself relying on Billy and possibly may unburden herself to her ex-husband. There are so many loose ends to the J.T. saga that it will take much time to sort it all out.

Someone moved the body from Chancellor Park and spoilers have not yet identified that individual. These leaves open the possibility that Mr. Hestrom may be alive. He could have dropped his watch in the dirt as he was exiting his burial site. It does not seem likely that "Y&R" would put the cover-up crew in jail indefinitely so if J.T. is alive they would not be prosecuted for murder. Be sure to tune in Monday to find out what transpires between Mariah and Sharon and be on the lookout for update spoilers.