Hollywood Actor Steven Seagal will soon be taking on a new role. In 2016, he received a Russian passport from Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. Putin has now made the actor a special envoy to the United States to look after humanitarian aspects.

New Zealand Herald reports that the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the new role of Steven Seagal via a social media platform.

His appointment won't earn him a salary. However, he will be responsible for facilitating "relations between Russia and the United States in the humanitarian field, including cooperation in culture, arts, public and youth exchanges."

Bonds between Steven Seagal and Russia

Steven Seagal was born in America, but his grandmother was born in Vladivostok. Steven loves martial arts as does the Russian President Vladimir Putin. He received his very own Russian passport from Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. This was criticized in certain quarters. He has, incidentally, praised some actions of Putin like the annexation of Crimea.

As a result, Kiev imposed a ban on Steven for five years because they felt he was he was a potential threat to their security.

Russia has now honored the actor yet again by naming him as special envoy to the United States. Serbia also offered him citizenship and wanted him to open a martial arts academy in Belgrade. He also has contacts with senior leaders of Chechnya and Belarus, and he holds Putin in high esteem. CBS News reported in 2014 that Steven said in an interview with RT, that he believed Putin "is one of the greatest world leaders, if not the greatest world leader, alive today."

Steven Seagal will be a goodwill ambassador

The Hollywood actor will soon be seen on the world stage in a different role.

It will be an honorary appointment as a special envoy of Russia in America. CNN adds that the Russian foreign ministry has said his role will be similar to that of a United Nations' goodwill ambassador. Steven Seagal is already a Russian citizen and he attended the swearing-in ceremony of Vladimir Putin. There appears to be a special bond between the two and while talking to the British ITV network, Seagal described Putin as "a great world leader" and a "brilliant tactician."

During the tenure of President Barack Obama, the Russian president had suggested that he would position Steven Seagal to serve as an honorary envoy of Russia. The intention was to help improve relations between the two countries.

It never happened, but later, Seagal helped to facilitate meetings for a congressional delegation that went to Russia after the Boston Marathon bombings. They went to investigate the backgrounds of the suspects and discuss issues related to intelligence sharing.