'Ocean’s 8' is directed by Gary Ross and stars a star-studded ensemble cast including Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter. This spinoff from the three previous Steven Soderbergh-directed films serves up a thrilling feminist take reflecting the power of women during the time of #MeToo. A group of women join together to rob the Met Gala for a priceless necklace and in the midst of the drama and action, deep friendships and love ensues.
Debbie Ocean, played by Sandra Bullock is the leader who recruits a group of women to assist her with the heist.
Her closest friend Lou, played by Cate Blanchett is her advisor and will do whatever it takes to help her friend with the caper in the interest of love and solidarity.
Daphne Kruger, portrayed by Anne Hathaway is the group’s target and the main antagonist of the film as seen in the recent trailer. The other recruited women will use their expertise to do whatever is necessary to help make the heist as successful as possible.
Sandra Bullock talks #MeToo and ‘Ocean’s 8’
Sandra Bullock is an Oscar-winning actress who won for her brilliant portrayal of the mother in the movie “The Blind Side” in 2010. She has also starred in numerous hits such as “Speed” alongside Keanu Reeves, “Demolition Man” with Sylvester Stallone, and “Gravity” with George Clooney.
In an interview with InStyle, Bullock said, “but Time's Up is not just about the actors -- it's about the single mom who's been abused, bullied, and sexually harassed… It's our duty to do whatever we can to help... I can safely say there is not one person I know who hasn't experienced some form of harassment or doesn't know someone it's happened to.”
Gary Ross helms this film and has directed such successful films in the past, such as 2003’s Oscar-nominated “Seabiscuit,” 2012’s thriller “Hunger Games,” and the 1998 comedy “Pleasantville.” He takes over the reins from Steven Soderbergh who directed the previous three Ocean’s installments which were, themselves, remakes of the 1960’s version starring Sammy Davis Jr.
and Frank Sinatra. Along with directing, Ross is one of two writers for this film, the other is Olivia Milch who wrote “Dude,” a 2017 Lucy Hale comedy and who has co-written such Gary Ross directed films as “Pleasantville,” “The Hunger Games,” and “Seabiscuit.”
Olivia Milch discusses corporate feminism and the fight for the disenfranchised person’s rights
Olivia Milch recently sat down during an interview with Marketplace Weekend Host Lizzie O’Leary at marketplace.com to discuss topics on feminism.
She did not shy away from expressing her opinions on the problem. “I'm always going to be happy when people are talking about feminism...I think one potential antidote to the fear that it's being co-opted in some kind of way or the work is being missed is, to look at the people who've been doing the work for a long time and I think that tends to be women of color and the queer community who have been at the forefront of these fights for rights.” Obviously, this new film has been a labor of love for Milch and a way to express her feminist viewpoints.
The upcoming movie is rated PG-13 and will be released worldwide on June 8. You can see all these stars and more when you go down to a theater near you.