Every hopeful “America's Got Talent” performer has a unique talent that he or she feels could possibly be the start of a whole new life. Jeffrey Li made the trek all the way from Toronto, Canada with his family to the “America's Got Talent” auditions airing on June 19. The 13-year-old detailed in his profile segment that he was just a year and a half when he began to sing. Practicing his craft was no problem for the toddler because he sang “in the shower, in the car, and in the house,” anytime and all the time. This performance, however, held the possibility for another dream come true for Jeffrey Li, beyond the prize money and a lifetime of singing.
A dream of a dog
Being an only child may have advantages, but there are also definite drawbacks. “Your parents may give you what you want, but it's not the same as interacting,” Jeffrey explained before going on stage. In one telltale segment, the singer somewhat mournfully sighs “all right” when the girl sitting next to him gets up and leaves. Jeffrey Li clearly yearns for companionship, and he knows that a dog can provide that. As much as music has become a refuge and a comfort for the young artist, no song can snuggle next to someone in bed at night, or chase a bad day away by playing fetch. Jeffrey Li’s dream was about to come true in a way he could never have expected.
Rising in appreciation
Jeffrey confessed to Heidi Klum that he had never sung in front of so many people, gazing at the expansive rows of seats, and a balcony filled to capacity. Simon Cowell asked what Jeffrey hoped to get from his “America's Got Talent” audition if it went well, and why he chose the signature Josh Groban anthem, “You Raise Me Up.” With a genuine smile, the boy declared his dream of having a dog, specifically, a German Shepherd.
Heidi Klum chimed in that she had German shepherds before. Simon Cowell did one better.
“If you do well, I’m gonna buy you a dog,” promised the British judge from his seat. When he asked why the song meant so much to Jeffrey Li, the teen simply responded that “it really helped me when I was sad and lonely.” His answer was interrupted by Cowell saying,” because you didn't have a dog.” It was then determined that the audition would be “for the doggie.”
The sense of nerves was palpable in the opening words of the ballad for Jeffrey, but seemingly within seconds, the prodigy was centered and calm.
He began to conduct a personal symphony to himself and to the audience, who were in rapt attention. He gestured the motions of rising and implored the audience, the judges’ panel, and everyone watching, to feel the power of “rising up." Before the song ended, the audience and all four judges were on their feet with applause.
High-powered praise
Simon Cowell deemed the effort, “an amazing audition,” and pledged the new dog. Howie Mandel called Jeffrey Li “a male Celine Dion,” while Mel B simply related that he sang like an angel.
The gifted son also made his parents proud, as his mother brushed away tears during his audition. The family will have to make room for four now, and invest in some tasty kibble and chew toys.
Josh Groban himself topped off the night with a very personal touch, taking to Twitter to say: “Way to go, Jeffrey! I'm honored!” The congratulatory message was reported by Just Jared and numerous other sources.
There are many notable performances by Jeffrey Li posted on YouTube, but this “America's Got Talent” moment certainly should stand above them all. With another dream unfolding in the competition as he continues, and a new dog soon to be his companion, Jeffrey Li has further inspiration to sing.