Chelsea Houska hit on something recently about the "Teen Mom 2" show that may have some fans taking a step back and pondering her words. Chelsea claims that the show is more about the drama between the cast rather than being a show about moms. She said this while complaining how she is getting less and less time in front of the camera on the show because she has settled down and now lives a rather normal life.
Chelsea is going to be 27 years old in August and some of the other "Teen Mom 2" cast members are up there pushing 30 as well. Jenelle Evans is 26, as is Leah Messer and Kailyn Lowry.
Just a few years until they hit the big 3-0
These women are just a few years away from 30, (four to be exact) but yet they are still called teen moms and they are expected to act like a bunch of teens, or at least that is how they get the airtime.
It seems Chelsea sees her life as boring when it comes to offering any entertainment value for the "Teen Mom 2" show. It sounds as if she feels she deserves more face time on the camera, more than she's been allocated lately anyway.
Grown women acting like teens?
It was drama at its best in one of the recent show previews, when Kailyn demanded a separate space for getting ready on the set. She didn't want to be around Briana and Jenelle and attempting to get her own way entailed some foul language. It ended with Kailyn storming off to find some justice, according to the way In Touch Weekly described the scene.
This started when she was getting ready for the show and having her hair done. She looked up to see Briana and her team walk into the room. Kailyn acted like a privileged teen calling this "a f--king joke," as she stormed off in a demanding mode. She also appeared really determined to get her own way.
Demanding like a scorned teen
This was seen in the sneak peek preview of this week's episode, with Kailyn finally finding her way to the executive producer, Larry. She cornered him in the hallway and first stated her case under false pretenses for her need to have a private space. She used the excuse that it was so her friend could have a space to care for her baby, Lux.
She went as far as telling the executive producer that her son needed to be away from the rest of the cast because he hasn't been vaccinated yet. That didn't go very far before she spewed out the real reason for wanting a space of her own. It was fueled by her immense dislike for her co-workers and her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin.
Rewards for teen drama scenes
This is the stuff that made it on the air, and yes, you would expect teenagers to act like this. But Kailyn is 26, which is close to a decade away from the average age for graduating high school. The women on "Teen Mom 2" are not kids anymore, yet the type of drama that is expected of kids is highlighted and rewarded by spotlighting them on the show.
Oh, do you want to check out Chelsea boiling water?
Granted, clips of Chelsea at home trying out a new recipe as the kids color at the kitchen table won't do much for the ratings. Kailyn throwing a fit or belting out the names of the people she doesn't want around her is what brings in the viewers. So to echo Chelsea's concerns... is "Teen Mom 2" about moms anymore? Is it even about teens for that matter?