Jon and Kate Gosselin's sextuplets, Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hoel, Leah, and Hannah have turned 14-years-old. However, it looks as if only one of Jon's sextuplets shared the big day with her dad. One out of eight is bad. Jon and Kate Gosselin are very far from perfect parents and those who follow Gosselin family news are well aware that the road has been a rocky one for each Gosselin family member.

Hannah Gosselin is daddy's girl

On May 10, however, when even the most disagreeable of ex-spouses would most likely suck it up and throw a birthday party for their kids it appears that Jon Gosselin had only one lone child to celebrate the day with -- his daughter Hannah.

Of the eight Gosselin children, it has always been Hannah standing by her father's side through thick and thin. She is even the one child that Jon fought the hardest to have custody of.

Life is still rocky for Jon and Kate Gosselin when it comes to the kids

As previously reported, Jon and Kate made celebrity news headlines last August when the estranged couple was involved in a knock-down, drag-out brawl after an argument ensued over who would take their 13-year-old daughter home from the dentist. Police were called, and accusations of kidnapping and abuse were yelled as onlookers watched in horror.

Things have been bad for all involved ever since, and long before as well. The kids are all old enough to form their own opinions, and it appears that the majority of the Gosselin kids are against Jon at this time, all but Hannah.

Kate posted a mushy, embarrassing mom post wishing all six of the sextuplets a "Happy Birthday," going into detail about the day they were born. Just the thing that 14-year-old kids want to be blasted across social media by their mom.

Collin Gosselin still missing from family festivities

Kate even took time to acknowledge Collin who has been noticeably absent from any and all Gosselin family activities for close to three years.

As previously reported, Kate Gosselin has been very vague about Collin's whereabouts, even Jon claims he has no idea where Collin is living. Kate Gosselin has only stated that Collin has been placed in a program to better suit his needs.

A lot of Gosselin news followers are not buying Kate's whole story when it comes to Collin and are very upset that he is being forced to grow up in a special facility where he is not permitted to leave even to be with his brothers and sisters on holidays.

Over the years there has been plenty of speculation and controversy when it comes to Kate Gosselin's harsh parenting techniques. Kate herself has even admitted that she has been investigated a number of times regarding child abuse claims. As the Gosselin children all rapidly approach adulthood, fans have wondered which Gosselin child will come out with a tell-all book detailing their experiences.

The next few years should be interesting. Kate recently signed on to do another TLC reality series, though this one will be about her dating life and the search for her next Mr. Right.

What are your thoughts on the Gosselin children, Jon and Kate's estranged relationship, and Kate's upcoming reality show?